So how are you finding Indo? sorry ive missed your the last couple of weeks on Skype, email me a time and i will make sure im logged on.
Ant how did your night go?
Speak to you soon
Stef X
Hope you are both having a great time. Love the photos, especially beach scenes that brighten my eay as I sit here in the office!!
Just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday Ant for Wednesday, love from mum, dad and me. Hope you have a great day x
Hey guys sounds like a you havin a lot of fun
Keep up with the diving it will get easier I was like that a few times but it gets easier!!!
Just keep enjoying your time it goes so quick!!
Take care and enjoy your next full moon party
Nice to see some photos of you guys !!! Liking the updates too, although you will have nothing left to tell us when you get back at this rate!!!
Sorry I missed the call this weekend, was up and out early... will look out for you online this weekend hopefully catch up
em x x x
Hey you guys!!!
Liking the stories a lot, apart from the 'we treated ourselves to a night out'.....that just sounds wrong, you are supposed to be living it up on your trip of a lifetime?!?!
All still sounds fab though, pictures soon please!!!
Love ya both,
Suz xxx
Hay you guys!!
How's it going?
Looks like you're both diving!? Sweet! Like everybody is saying stay relaxed like your out of water... And enjoy!!
I've just got back from Smee's wedding/ Hoilday!!
Hot as hell in Cyprus!! The wedding went really well... They had it on a boat, the resption that is. With fireworks and dancers... Greek dancers. and not at the same time!?
I'll post the photos on facebook when they get back....
Hope you both are still having a great time!
And we need PHOTOS!!!
Love you both! Over and out! XX
Chin up Wendy.....I found its alot easier in open water....
Relax and face that fear head on!
Don't give can do it!!
This website is such a good idea!!
Take care you two.....kissess from the Monkey
Mum & Andy
That's exactly what happened to me in the Maldives, most beautiful place to learn to dive, cystal clear waters but I just couldn't do the mask thing, even though I conquered my fear of deep water, so Andy ended up diving the whole time on his own, but............I know you can do it so go for it babe. Love and miss you loads and gutted I missed your call again today. XXX
Auntie Dawn Uncle Kev
HIYA , good to hear you are both ok, and CHILLING OUT .
take care have hoodles of FUN we love you loads D & K XXXX
Good Luck with the dive, stay relaxed you can conquer all !
Spence x
I've FOUND you guys!!!
Hey you two,
Sounds like you are having an amazing time, I am sooo very jealous! Couldn't be doing with the watching my pennies business, I'd be useless and skint within days!
Things on the rock are good, we've reverted your room back to our 'walk in wardrobe' i.e. washing all over the bed rather than in wardrobes, didn't take long did it.
Paul passed his big bike test last week and I got to go on the back on it on Sunday in one of Rob;s old helnets which was wobbling around all over the place plus is stank, buying my own this weekend. We went out with Steph and Marta, I loved it although wasn't what to do with my hands at first!! My Vespa should arrive next week too, all the way from Italy, can't wait, bright red one, Paul will have to ride it home hehehe!! Waiting for my CBT date and booked my theory for 25th June!
We're also booking to go back to Colorado next year, next week too, when my friend is over, she's coming too and also hoping, weather permitting to have a bbq on the bank holiday sunday.
Other than all is the same, you are not missing anything, we're all missing you though. Get some pics up soon.