Grandad met me and michael at about 7 ish and we had coffees before we checked in at 8!
Went through security and i went off! They have those new machines in heathrow where you stand in then and it spins around you and like is windy!!! A bit like star treck i think but never watched it! Hahahaha anyway she was a right lesbian didn't hold back with the touching! Then after me went an Indian lady fully covered up, she had about 10 metal spots under her clothes and didn't get checked!!!!!
Flight was delayed from 9.30 to 10!
We bought water proof iPhone cases! <3
I cant sleep on flights so just watched all the free films! This was a bad idea! Cried 3 times at Marley and me, cried once at Juno and was singing along to beyonce without realising! Ohwell! ;)
Got two meals on this flight one was lush I would eat it every day! India curry :) and the other tastes like dog food some wrap thing!
This is the longest day ever! Started on Friday at half 6 and getting into Bangkok on Sunday! :( better be worth it! At the end of the flight the air hostesses sprayed the whole cabin incase we took germs into the country! Thought this was so weird!
Got to mumbai and had the worst time ever, because we wernt staying in India we just had to catch a connecting flight, but had to go through security and males and females go to different parts! The staff at the airport were so rude! Finally got through and our flight was taking off in ten minutes! Airport security were looking for us and Michael still hadn't been checked! Ended up running to gate 8 and the security guy getting us our own shuttle bus! Was crazy and very stressful! On the plane was all the same films so just watched music videos for the 4 hours.
This woman 2 seats away from me started being sick and believe me I was not happy!! AND THEN we had turbulence! Worst nightmare if it went everywhere! Haha anyway my days are getting a bit mixed and this flight lands into Bangkok at 7 in the morning so guess this is the end of today!!
Wow this is real long don't bother reading it if it's this long again I proper ramble on!!!! Haha xx
- comments
Ross Oh rqamble away enjoying it, was it curry sick or was she just spewing chunks?
Faye Cav Love the rambling :) I can imagine you stressing out with things not being so organised. All be worth it cx
tracy stressed not you never lol xxx
nikki aww hope your havin a good time!! xxx
anniejenkins She was like screaming with sick it was weird!!! Haha oh a do ramble! Only just realised I can comment back on these things!! Haha it says you sent it in 1970 though? Haha x