According to comScore there are 109 million pploee in the U.S. using local search and Internet yellow pages sites, out of a total Internet population of 172 million. Those are impressive numbers for a market segment many consider to be still in its early days. And, as I've argued before, the comScore definition of local search doesn't take into account the millions of users of many different categories of sites (e.g., classifieds, travel, newspapers, verticals) where online research leads to an offline transaction. Regardless of how you define it, however, the Internet is clearly playing a growing role in the lives of consumers looking for local information.
Amol According to comScore there are 109 million pploee in the U.S. using local search and Internet yellow pages sites, out of a total Internet population of 172 million. Those are impressive numbers for a market segment many consider to be still in its early days. And, as I've argued before, the comScore definition of local search doesn't take into account the millions of users of many different categories of sites (e.g., classifieds, travel, newspapers, verticals) where online research leads to an offline transaction. Regardless of how you define it, however, the Internet is clearly playing a growing role in the lives of consumers looking for local information.