Arrived Hue, and it was boiling-so nice! we had such a good day riding saround the countryside adn town on the back of motorbikes! (don't worry mummy we had helemyts on!!) we saw the citadel which was gorgeous though the heat perhaps made us slightly less wowed! tehn hopped back on the motorbikes and were off to teh country, saw beutiful scenery adn stopped for a little refreshment at a little village, then we were off to see a lady make traditional vietnamese hats - she only had one arm aswel!! We had the most yummyiest veggie lunch at a monerstry, adn saw some very cute small little novice monks. Then went and saw the view of the perfume river, again stunning and then went adn saw incense being made had a quick go - was absolutely awful, it fell on the floor! saw the only collosium in asia, amazing i supposdes i should say thouhg it was just a whoile load of stone in a circular shape - great! Then sadly our trip there was at an end. We got back adn just chilled adn hada nice indian supper, i've never expereinced such a spicy korma, very yummy but redicuouloysly spicy!
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