My first Ayurveda Massage.
Ayurveda means science of life and aims to restore your Prakruthi (normal body constitution) through the use of herbal oils, massage and other treatments.
I was taken by auto to the spa building where I was greeted by an Indian lady. I decided on the rejuvenating massage which in retrospect I wish I had chosen the relaxation option! The masseuse instructed me to take off ALL my clothes and sit on the stool. I can handle this I thought, all girls together and all that. I must admit that for the first few minutes while she massaged my head I felt incredibly vulnerable but soon relaxed into feeling her strong strokes on my head.
Ten minutes later and I was told to lay face down on the massage table which I had to leap into it was so high off the ground. I watched the lady heat something in a frying pan on the burner, I was full of trepidation for what was to come! For the next 60 minutes I became a greasy spoon while she massaged, pummelled and stimulated my body into feeling invigorated with me stark naked on the couch with not a modesty blanket in sight ( surprising because Indians are so prim). At one point I nearly fell off the table as she whipped me over to do my other side. All I could think of was thank goodness Jon didn't do this, he would have come away a wreck! She massaged every part of my body (I will let your imagination fill in the blanks) and she ended with my head again where she massaged my face and neck (me feeling quite suffocated by her action on my epiglottis). Phew, I thought I definitely feel stimulated and very warm but more was in store! I noticed the pressure cooker sizzling away and yes she directed me into a steam box to cook me for 10 minutes! That felt very good as I knew all the toxins would be seeping out my body.
Feeling well and truly done now I was shown to the shower and washed away the oil with sandalwood soap drying myself with what amounted to not much more than a tea towel. The lady dried my hair which felt very tender and then blobbed a bindi on my forehead, an Indian seal of approval!
I decided to walk the 600m home actually feeling very light on my feet and rejuvenated. I'm so glad I didn't choose the Kerala foot massage option when I saw that it entailed a very strong man standing on his poor clients to improve their skeletal system; I think I'll send Jon for that one!
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