Zanna and Anna are off to South America
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Buenos Aires, Argentina

New blog entry posted
San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina

New blog entry posted
San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina

New blog entry posted
Puerto Varas, Chile

New blog entry posted
La Serena, Chile
Margit I am sat here killing myself laughing Annalisa - a picture of you and Rene just having woken you up! Glad you made it to Argentinia... do a bit of Tango for me while you are there. Can't wait to see you next weekend. Mama xx :-)
re: A worthwhile diversionandy What a fantastic trip you girls have experienced together. I bet never in your lifetime again will you travel on so many buses, eat so much food and moan about the cold ..........I'm only Jealous. Keep safe for the rest of your journeys. v
re: Stargazing in La SerenaLiz It all sounds awesome, I'm really enjoying reading all about it, keep the posts coming! Hope you're both well, much love xx
re: Peruvian for the dayMargit Girls! What an amazing description of your journey and how wonderful to hear about your experiences. It feels like I am there with you reading it and I am so very glad you are able to take all those wonders fully in - despite all the uncomfortable aches, pains and muck... thanks for a truely amazing report. Have fun and make sure you enjoy the dancing.... ;-) LOL xxx
re: The long and winding roadLucy W wow! good luck with it, sounds like you're having a brilliant time! love the sound of mountain spring bathing and the condors. enjoy machu picchu!!!! love xxxxx
re: Condors, Canyons and Coca leavesStephanie Wow! It sounds like you are having an amazing time already. I'm very jealous reading all of your blogs. I'm looking forward to hearing about your next adventure!! Have fun! xxx
re: Condors, Canyons and Coca leavesSue & Andrés What an adventure you're having ! You seem to be experiencing the "magic realism" of Latin America. We're really enjoying the blogs Anna - you have a gift for writing. Is Zanna contributing? Hope you enjoy Machu Pichu - we can't wait to hear all about it
re: Condors, Canyons and Coca leavesAndy You're certainly packing in alot and it sounds fantastic. How wonderful to see Condors. The sun is finally shining here in Bristol although its not yet turned into a summer. Planning on an early finish to take advantage as I'm sure it wont last. Stay safe and enjoy Machu Picchu; I dead jealous. x
re: Condors, Canyons and Coca leavesMargit Girls - this all sounds like you are having an amazing time and I am sooooo looking forward to seeing all the photos.... make sure you don't get used to the coco leaves thought ;-) Lots of love to you both - have fun and don't do what I wouldn't .... xxx
re: Condors, Canyons and Coca leavesMargit Sounds fabulous! How wonderful that you are able to experience such beauty girls... thanks for sharing, reading the blog feels like I am there with you. oh and.. I bet the open legs went down well, Annalisa! ;-) xx
re: OPEN LEGS!!!!!Lauren I stapled some pieces of paper together today. Consider yourself living the life of luxury. Have a brilliant time,you've already got some stories to tell even if good or bad!! Xxx
re: Arrival- last visited

- travel plan
- Lima, Peru
- Huacachina, Peru
- Arequipa, Peru
- Cusco, Peru
- Machupicchu, Peru
- Cusco, Peru
- Puno, Peru
- Copacabana, Bolivia
- Nuestra Señora De La Paz, Bolivia
- Uyuni, Bolivia
- San Pedro De Atacama, Chile
- La Serena, Louisiana
- Santiago De Chile, Chile
- Puerto Varas, Chile
- Temuco, Chile
- Neuquén, Argentina
- San Carlos De Bariloche, Argentina
- Ciudad Autónoma De Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Londres, UK
Margit I am sat here killing myself laughing Annalisa - a picture of you and Rene just having woken you up! Glad you made it to Argentinia... do a bit of Tango for me while you are there. Can't wait to see you next weekend. Mama xx :-)