Anna's travels......
Been in Perth for 3 weeks now; really enjoying myself. Perth is a great city, not that big but I think that it why it is so nice. Very clean (you can not even drop a fag butt on the floor)! You just seem to settle into Perth and feel like you have been here for years. For a small city it has so many bars and clubs. The big thing in Perth is "Sunday Sessions". Nearly everyone goes out for Sunday afternoon drinks. The bars are packed, but by 7pm everywhere will be dead? Its like in the week, everywhere is so quiet, everyone must save themselves for Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Been out a few times in Northbridge, a very busy area with lot of bars and fun. Got told off by the big policeman last week, cannot imagine why - anyone who knows me knows I am a very sensible girl - even when I have drunk about 10 white wines and 10 JD and coke! Haha
Even though I have been here only 3 weeks I am on my third job. Had a shift doing some waitressing at the local bar/restaurant - it was rubbish. The fat lesbian chef shouted at me twice! I've since heard that she is a b**** to everyone, but on the night it felt like she was just being horrible to me.
Got more work with an agency - rather boring but made some good friends doing it. It was just handing out information to the public at Perth Train Station.
The job I am doing this week is Office Administrator for a Production Department. The job is ok. The girl I am covering for is pregnant and they are looking for someone to take over from here - I've told them that I maybe interested but would need to be sponsored after the 1st three months. See how next week goes. The only thing is, it is out of the city and I want to work in the city.
Staying with the relative is going ok. Though they are always winding me up. My friend can round the other night and before I was leaving they was shouting "don't be home too late, it is a school night". And before I go to work they ask "have you cleaned your teeth"!! Their children are 14, 10 and 8 years old so I think they forget I am 25. haha. It is very interesting living with such young children again - I forget how mad it must have been in my family house with 5 children! God, how did my mum cop??
Been meeting all my Aunty and Uncle friends too, was round drinking with some of them the other night, their Nephew is in a band and the band was there, so it was rude not to go round and introduce myself. I've never seen Aunty Kerry so drunk!! Even been getting a lift to work with Rob (Mr Australia), one of the other neighbours. It seems the whole of Leeming, Perth know that Anna from England has arrived.
My cousin Lewis took me body-boarding. Very scary!!! The waves were so BIG! His mate (14 years old) gave me his old wetsuit and it fitted me (a 13 year old wetsuit!!). After about 15 minutes I had to leave the sea as I had swallowed so much water. I am normal confident in the water but trust us to go out the day the waves were massive. Once one hits you it keeps you under. I will not be defeated though, I'll go out again (when the waves are smaller!!!), I can't let the 14 year olds show me up.
Have not done too much site seeing but I'll be here for a while so have lots of time. Been to Kings Park, Fremantle, Subiaco, Northbridge, Cottlesole..... Hoping to go to Rottnest Island this weekend or next.
Off out tonight again. Meeting up with Jack, Julian and Donna. I met them at the train station job. Really nice people. (Hi to - Jon!!!!) (private joke).
Going to see Black Eye Peas in September with some of my other mates and then going to a big footie game another night.
At the end of August I am doing the "City to Surf" run. It is 12K. Lots of people do it. I think the drinks afterwards will be the best bit. I have been out running alot. Was running around the park the other day and saw 2 massive kangaroo - bloody hell they are scary!! Not so cute when you are close up and on your own. Sometimes they go into my cousin Rosie's school and chase the children around - can you imagine that!? :)
Congratulation to my good friend Sarah Mara - she had a baby girl Thursday 11th August - 6am. Named Olivia. 7lb 2oz. Both are doing well.
Hope you are all well.
Speak to you soon.
Love Anna xxxxxxxxxx
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