Anna's travels......
Well they say Fiji is like Paradise and they sure are right. Had a fantastic 2 weeks. Went far too quick!
The First week we went north off the main island, off RakiRaki, to an island called Nananu-i-ra. Not the smallest island but you can walk round it in 5 hours. Met a great group of people who (The FFFFF 5, they know what it means!) we hung out with most of the time, when we wasn't on our Open Water Scuba Diving Course. The course was great and yes I managed to pass the written exam and practical. Went out on 6 dives, the max I went down to was about 18meters. The Fishes and Coral were amazing. Didn't see no sharks - thanks god. But on the way back we did see some Dolphins and some Pilot Whales came right up to our boat (small ones, don't be imagining that a 50ft whale came up to say hello to me:) Our Dive instructor, Mad Jackie, was fantastic, thanks Jackie!!
The whole being on a little island for the week always reminded us or the films The Beach or Cast away. The place we stayed was like a little camp. I was in the "Tree House" Dorm. Just the names makes me laugh. The toilets and showers was just made of Tin. And yes all the insects and geko's joined you. Once we all Kayak round to the other side of the island and no one else was there, all you could see for miles was blue water. Our mate Nick went off for a wander and came back with some coconuts thats he found, so we cracked them open. We didn't go fishing with spears - that would be a bit too much!
Our second week we went up to the Yasawa Islands and stayed at Nanuya LaiLai for 4 days and then Naviti for the last 3 days. The weather wasd perfect. The only thing anyone could moan about was the Mosquitoes - there are 100's of them, every night we have all been bitten to bits. No matter how much you spray yourself or cover up - they get you.
The Nanuya Lai Lai was very small. It was right next to the Private Island - Turtle Island. There is a 5 star exclusive resort on there. The film Blue Lagoon was also filmed there. When the tide is out you can walk across to the island - tried this but got stopped by security - it was worth a try. You can walk round this island in about 1hr 20 mins. On the other side there is the Blue Lagoon, nice so swim and sun bath round there. Went line fishing with a local guy one day. I didn't manage to catch anything. Al caught a Snapper Fish. The Fijian caught about 12!! Show-off!! :) We also went on a trip to Sawailau Sandstone Caves. One of the caves it open and light, but to get to the second cave you have to swim under water (which I hated and thought was rather scarey) only for 3 / 5 seconds and then you are in a dark cave (the guide has a torch). Great fun. The fijian guys were jumpping from the top of the cave about 25m high and then jumpping down, the british boys didn't manage to do this?! Another great trip was Snorkelling with the Manta Rays. There were massive - about 3 meters wide. Got a boat over to Turtle point and there was loads of them. Some people touched them, they are friendly fish but I didn't fancy a touch, and also I couldn't swim fast enough, they can swim fast!
In the evenings on the resorts the locals like to entertain. The Bula Boys do a dance! And sometimes the girls. Then everyone has to join in (Alan was the only one who didn't!). One of the strange dances we had to do was get a parner, hold hands and then everyone has to dance around in a circle. Then they pass a stick around, who ever has the stick when the music stops is out. I got down to the last 5. Felt like I was at a childrens party, but it is all good fun.
In my little hut I had a little friend. One night it kept me up all night. It was chirpy so I thought it was a bird. Whatever it was it was trying to eat my cookies as I could hear the packet. Everytime I shorne my torch I couldn't see it. In the end I go up and emptied out the biscuit so that it could have them and go away. In the morning I found that the little thing had chewed though my rucksack to get my sweets - bloody thing. Found out that it was a Geko (little Lizard). Note to self - never have any food in your bag.
Great 2 weeks............. off to oz now where reality will settle in as I have to get a job!! Argghhhh!
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