Hiya crazy kids, just started reading your blogs, wow loving all of it. Makes me wish I could start over again and visit all the places you've been too....loving the adventure, and I feel the same about the Chinese as you do. They're also the reason why sea horses will one day become extinct.....such beautiful creatures being killed for their gain!
Thanks guys. Although I'm disappointed with the location settings as it posts the title of the blog where it was written not where the blog is about! In the middle of my next one
Penny Davies
I have put your blog onto my favourites bar so that I can always catch up with new adventures Well written Annabel
Hazel Low-Hing
U guys have a blog. Fantastic! U look like ur having the time of ur lives. Must be a real eye opener. I hope I have the opportunity to travel one day. Lots of love from all of us bk in England x