Amanda In Spain
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Sevilla, Spain

New blog entry posted
Sevilla, Spain

New blog entry posted
Sevilla, Spain

New blog entry posted
Sevilla, Spain
me First of all--of course it's Moors not Moops---you're a Moop. Second...I've had the cinnamon buns ice's good--but you haven't had Tigianni's. :)
re: Granada, Spainmom i just love reading your blog-- have a great time in granada- in case i don;t talk to you b4 you leave!-- stay well and that order! i love you ! mom
re: Sevilla, SpainAlan I am so happy you loved Paris. It was my favorite city when I visited before you were born. Sounds like you hit all the places I hit so many years ago.
re: Paris, Francemom i love the amanda nicole!-- we wouldn't want to get mixed up with any other amanda!!! xo
re: Paris, FranceTory Amanda Nicole?? I agree with Mick ;) It sounds like you had an awesome time, miss you! Have a great time in Ireland
re: Paris, FranceAmy So I left a comment before but didn't hit add may get this twice... I love that you're writing this blog. It'll be great fun to keep up with you and your adventures. Keep on writing sweetie. It's fun to see the world according to Amanda! XXXXOOOO Amy
re: Sevilla, Spainmom ahhh you left us in suspense! "oh my .... what?- you write just like you talk-- i just missed you online- dang!-- i have a great story for you!!!!-- can;t wait to tell you hopefully this weekend!-- stay happy and well!- xo
re: Toledo, SpainMom glad you had a great birthday-- my advise is to live in the moment-- 3 and a half months goes by real fast!!!!-amazing that you just arrived in madrid-- hope all went smoothly- love you!
re: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania- last visited

- travel plan
- Madrid, Spain
- Sevilla, Spain
- Lisbon, Portugal
- Paris, France
- Cork, Ireland
- Granada, Spain
- Barcelona, Spain
- Rome, Italy
- Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Morocco
Mr. T Mick turned 21?