McLaughlins Across America
We've almost reached our 1st 24 hrs. Nobody has moved out of the RV yet or bought a plane ticket back home. Our middle school angels are logging some major naps in for sure. It's hysterical really how quickly you can get used to not much on your schedule but driving. We did our 1st homeschool session. Nailed that for sure! I believe I just heard the microwave ding. Casey has melted himself some Hershey kisses and is dipping pretzels in there. Gotta love that kid! We are Birmingham visit Uncle of only 2 guests at our wedding (yep...only 2). Birmingham or bust....
- comments
Casey Taylor Sounds like a great 24 hrs. Can't wait to read more about the McLaughlin adventure.
Lisa Trauger Completely obsessed with this blog. Live it!!!
Nicole Off to a great start!! Safe travels
Amy So jealous!! #thesecondweddingguest