Angela's Travel Journal
Arrived in New Zealand very very tired and disorientated!! Kinds took it easy for the first few days, stayed mostly around Auckland and tried to get over my jet lag!! On the first day Al drove me down to Te Aroha to the worlds only natural soda was amazing after such a long journey! The soda water is really good for you as well and we were told not to shower afterwards. On the way to Te Aroha we took a scenic route along the east coast and i got my first taste of new zealand scenary. It is just so beautiful everywhere!!
Day two we went to Piha beach on the west coast, it was cold but again very beautiful, and it was how i imagine hawaii to look, wooden houses winding roads and palm trees ect. We climbed to the top of a huge rock i n the middle of the beach to get a good look at the view and the sun came out and it got hot! (pics with statue thing!)
Day three we took a leisurely trip to Devonport and went to the top of Mt Victoria where we had a picnic and enjoyed the views of Rangatoto and Auckland.
Day four we went to 'Kelly Tartons' which has an massive underwater aquarium with sharks and all kinds of wierd and wonderful fish!! It also has an antartic experience in which you sit in a 'snow cat' truck and 'drive' through a giant penguin enclosure, it was amazing because they had lots of massive king penguins and some little 'fairy' ones too! They were just amazing to watch!
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