Thailand Travels
We've just spent 40 mins writing up a new journal, but then some button was pressed and it all disappeared, so very frustrating! So may not be as good as the original, please forgive us...
We've found the sun at last!! But after just a day and a half of the beach, I (A) got restless, so liz was marched off to do something new. I tried to get her to leave Koh Samui altogether, but she was having none of that. (He's not complaining now cos look how much fun we've had.) It's not that I don't like the place; it's just that it's very much like majorca-not that there's anthing wrong with majorca-it's just maybe not what you want in Thailand... Worst of all, it's FULL of greasy Italians playing football on the beach in tight Speedos (not a pleasant sight we assure you) and strolling around in thongs.
As said, I was restless. So zip-lining it was for yesterday afternoon! We spent the afternoon fying between branches on top of the jungle canopy, very good fun! However, there wasn't much evidence of the advertised 'Secret Falls' for swimming in. They were so secret we couldn't find them. more like a trickle down some rocks into a small paddling pool. gutting, as we both were so looking forward to it. We can't afford accom with swimming pools, and there's only so much salt water one can take before a fresh water craving takes over!
So, the waterfall search continued today. We booked ourselves onto a tour of the island which took in the main sights. These involved, first, a hideous statue beside a some temple or other, though it was pretty cool cos we got to write our name on a roof tile going into the temple rennovations.
Second was a 'viewpoint.' Did the essential 10 minute photo stop.
Third was the Big Buddha (another one!)
Fourth was the grandmother and grandfather rocks. they were essentially very explicit male and female rock formations-you wouldn't think that the ocean and wind could make them so realistic, but you'd be wrong! Wait till you see the photos!!
then it was onto a monkey show, which involved a monkey on a rope running up a tree to cut down a couple of coconuts. Enough said.
second last was the mummified Monk-eew!! it was a monk who died in a meditating pose, and was preserved in that pose behind a pane of glass for all to see. He still had his hair and was sporting a rather snazzy pair of sunglasses to cover his empty sockets. Lovely!
Finally-the waterfall!!! It was certainly well worth the wait. Spectacular cascading water and a huge deep pool at the bottom for swimming. just what we were needing.
And all that was in just four hours! It's been a very busy day.
And it's not over yet. we're about to go and see a lady-boy show. We passed some of the 'stars' outside the venue last night; suffice to say I think it'll be extremely interesting.
Tomorrow we'll leave Thailand behind for now and head down to malaysia. heading to the Perhentian islands on the north east coast. They're meant to be really unceveloped and scenic, and hopefully also very hot. Will hopefully also get to make some use of our recently obtained PADI Advanced certificates. Well be arriving there on either Saturday pm or sunday am, depending on boats, accom etc, though we'll be in malaysia on saturday morning.
we may not be able to update from there-internet is apparently very slow and expensive. So, you may have to wait until we get back to the jungle that is Bangkok on friday/Sat.
until then, goodbye to all!! Were about to go see some men with breasts.
Liz: A huge well done to Cammy!! That's fantastic news. Have fun in Ireland.
Scotty, best of luck with the exams.
Another huge well done to Emma, Steven and Kath (Andy can't believe that your 18!) on your exam results. Congrats!!
Jem, hope your able to be a role model big sis just like yours was! You show Millie the ropes.
kath: Massive congratulations on results and getting your place in uni. If you enjoy the student lifestlyle half as much as I did then you'll have the time of your life! Gutting that i have to start work the day after i get back, but that's how it goes i suppose.
make sure you enjoy your holiday with your dad and John, don't let them go leading you astray. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! the big 1-8, have a BELTER, love from both of us x
John: Don't go leading kath astray
Sandy: Don't let John go leading Kath astray. And don't you either!!
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