Love reading your blog and looking at your amazing photos, you sound like you are having an amazing time... lots to remember! Its typical bank holiday weather here, rain and drizzle! Look forward to more news, take care xxxx
So envious of you both, have just had the hilight of my year, a long weekend in Devon, but it was beautiful and thoroughly enjoyed it xx
bit soggy at the grand prix, did you enjoy it????
Amanda Taylor
Well boys i dont like to say i told you so! BUT I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!!!! What an awfull place,but i am sorry that it has left you with a bitter taste of thailand,still you did not have to endure it for 10 days!!! which trust me was a bonus on your part!! Am loving reading about your adventures,hope your both o.k,and have recovered from your bed bug bites! Got my 1st scan on the 22nd will let you know how i get on!
Love to you both xxxxxxxxx
Uncle Terry Auntie Lynn
You're having an amazing time. Thinking of you. love Uncle Terry and Auntie Lynn
Auntie Chris
dear andrews, lovely pics, great adventures good reading. thinking of you both and wishing i was there. going to say it again, please look after yourselves and happy travels love auntie chrisxxxxxx
Amanda Taylor
Come on sweeties more blogs please, a girl in my condition is not going to get to fly to exotic climes this year,so i need to read about your adventures!!!!Hope your both safe and well!!! Thank you for the very sweet txt!!!!!!
G Baker
received your postcard today thank you ,the beach looks lovely hope you are both doing well and enjoying yourselves we are all ok this end including charlie who is curled up fast asleep on the settee at the moment,so keep safe and lots of love
Mum Dad & Charlie xxxxxxxxx
Amanda Taylor
Hi huns
Glad to see your having such a wonderful time, oh what i wouldnt give to be so exhausted from laying by thr pool all day long!!
Insead of a ten day streach of getting up early and working late,running a house ect ect ect! oh dont worry i am only jealous!!!!!
Helen Arnold
Happy Birthday Andy! Just read the latest blog and my stomach hurts from laughing. I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time, but the thought of you doing your lifeguard bit did make me giggle. Really enjoying hearing about your travels , take care, Helen xx
Clare Pantall
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Mr Baker, Happy Birthday to you x x x x
Hope you have a fab birthday
Love Clare x x
Rita Day
Hi both,
Very good photo's.
A very happy birthday for Saturday Andy, don't go falling off any mountians either of you.