Hi, was just thinking of you so thought I'd write and say hello! Thought of you when Eurovision was on the other day - Graham Norton was a worthy replacement for Terry (I honestly don't spend ALL my time watching rubbish telly!). I'm off work next week, 1/2 term so mad busy at work this week. Hope you are both ok and having some chance to relax. Take care, Helen x
Marie & Lucy
Hi Babe X2
By the sounds of it you are both having a excellent time, missin you both very much. Can't wait to hear the stories face to face as Mr Day no one tells a story like you.
All my love always
Marie & Lucy x xxx
Uncle Terry And Auntie Lynn
Just to say hello. Take care
Uncle Terry and Auntie Lynn
Just spent the last 45 minutes catching up on your photos and blogs - wow what an amazing time you guys are having!! Loving the updates and pics but not sure where Natasha Bear has gone... Is she lost... ha ha? Nothing to report here. Things pretty much the same which is almost too embarrassing to confess too - how dull! I'm still waiting to win the lottery and i will come out and surprise you! Lots of love - Tash xXx
Julie Murray
Happy birthday Andrew. Make the most of your thirties, the count down to 40 is on!
Looks like you're both having a fab time. Have you got anything special planned for today? Have one, or two or ..... for me!
Julie xx
Mum & Dad Baker
Hello boys how are you two doing , what is the weather like down under ? typical bank holiday here it is raining,what is the time difference with you now, take care keep safe lots of love from us and charliexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Amanda Taylor
Hi You two,
Just looked at the latest photos, and i have to say the places you have been look amazing!!!! i am soooo jealous, still in 17 days i am off to New York,Yeahhh!!!! so i am getting a holiday after all, not quite as exotic as you,but i must say that i have never see either of you look as happy or relaxed!!! Which is a very good thing!
Love ou both, carry on taking care of each other, off for my 1st scan in a while so will let you know how i get on soon x x x
Just looking at the latest photo's, oh boy it looks wonderful, i wonder if i would dare to do what your doing and the answer is no, such a coward! The photo of the lily was fantastic, i love the veiws, keep them coming boys. Look after yourselves and careful of those bugs, they look very big to me!!!
still sounds like you are having a fab time, breakfast at the hotel sounds a bit like breakfast at our hotel in disney land paris!!!!
take care and look forward to the next installmentxxxxxxx
Hi boy's, gosh you sound to be having a great time shame about the rain closing the theme park. keep the pictures coming. Keep safe xxxx
Helen Arnold
Hi Andy, Happy easter! Just had to let you know, Charlie and the chocolate factory was on today and I thought of you as I'm sure you would have been watching it if you'd been here. Wasn't the "real" one though - why couldnt they just leave it alone?! Anyway, just wanted to let you know what a rubbish Easter weekend telly wise it is, to go with the weather as Vicky has already said. Waved to you last weekend when the racing was on - I know you couldn't see me (duh!) but thought you would like to know in case you were waving to us all too! Helen x