hiya guys unfortunately i have some bad news kev flood has asked me to tell you that his mum died on 08/09/06 kev does seem to be ok but it has obviously taken its toll he has been trying to get to grips but as always these things take time . dont worry as i will do my best to look after him and i will send your condolenises. i hope on a more postive note that everything is going well and its nice to be engaged (never thought that i would see the day). another good note is that i am a student again, funny at my time of life but what the hell!!!!
Hi Rachael/Andy, Very busy at work. Just had time to catch up on the pics and your where-abouts! Pics look stunning. How time fly's. It feels like only last week that I looked at your Hong Kong photo's!!! Have fun. Cheers Gary.
Hey Rach, I know you'll be back soon but I need more time to try and revive your plants! See you in a few weeks.
Hi Rachel,
I would like to say Happy birthday 30th to you. Hope you have a lovely day. i saw loads of your photos is fantastic. Hope to hear from you in very soon. Take care of you both. Best wishes luv Cathy, Karl and Bump xx
hi there and happy birthday to you rachel... the first time in years no card!!...sorry! mucho mucho best wishes.
hope that you have a lovelyday and that you celebrate in style.
PS the above address is good while i am on school hols
Michelle Andy Keira Connor & Kane
Hi guys, hows things going - well i hope. Andy has been back in hospital for the whole of may & June but they couldn t sort it out. Well we managed to get Andy into Bath hospital and he has done amazingly on the pain management course - he ran for the first time in 7 years and things are looking very up. he is hoping to start college in september and we are starting to see the old Andy returning. more socialable and his sense of fun has returned to, plus he cant wait for his golf partner to return. When are you due home as we are looking forward to seeing you all, the photos look fantastic . catch up with you all soon
Michelle Andy Keira Connor &n Kane
Hi Guys how are you doing, Andy is back in hospital again still under going more tests,. He cant eat now without an anti sickness injection first, hopefully he will be sorted by the time you guys get home for the bbQ depending on weather here ofcourse. In the middle of organising my dads surprise 70th Birthday party this sat 3rd June. Do you remember Sam, she lived in the next road to us in freemantle, well her dad Rob (I think your andyand mine both played golf with him) well he died last week of asbestos cancer quite a shock really as he was always out running and playing sport etc. (heather and Rob were the couple that travelled around austrailia just after kane was born) So its been a bit of a stressful time at mo.
I am taking ten minutes out to look at your lovely photos and wish i was there. well keep in touch. you can call andy but text might be easier as in hospital his new number is 07716 589 669 and mine is andys old no. 07743 870335 catch you all soon.
hi you two. thought i had sent you a message a while back but it doesn't seem to have got posted here! just caught up withthe end of Oz and the start of NZ... both places i'd love to follow in your footsteps!! and What a TAN rachel... Year 9 i remember some little girl asking me why people wen abroad for hoildays it was too far to go!! well you have gone there now... about as far away as you can get... continue to enjoy it..all my love WendyX
Andy And Michelle
kane is missing you, he would like an email cuddle. Gald that things are going well, we are doing ok now as well. hows the food anything exotic to report . hope you two have not hade too much tommy problems and has the local police got you yet due to the you being extremely brigth in respect to your hair and your tan. Anyway love you both be happy.
Hi guys sorry not been in touch but didn't know about the website but just seen Andy and Mich who told me about it. The photo's are amazing and you must be having a fantastic time. I'm still working in the same place although we are in the middle of a takeover so I may not be soon! It would be good to hear from you again and I'm very jealous!
Jim & Claire
Hey Andy, hope your birthday was fun. We were around at the Beever's house for Elli's 3rd birthday over the weekend. I think that grown up birthdays at the pub are far more relaxing and include less running around after kids!
Alan Roy
Hi both, See you are in Brisbane. You should look up your cous's while you are there. They would be so pleased to see you both.
Have a greate time for your birthday Andy and have a drink on me---Perhaps that will have to wait until you are home - we'llcertainly sink one or two. Give Rachel a big Kiss from us both.
Happy Birthday.
Al & Fred.