Andy and Cate Around the World in 80 Days
We all went to Maracas today which is a fishing village and beach on the North Coast, about 10 miles east of Blanchisseuse. After the hell hole we had to pass through to get to Blanchisseuse last time we decided to get Taylor, our reliable taxi driver to take us. So we squeezed 6 into his Datsun.
Four in the back, two in the front. It was cosy to say the least which was nice with the weather being particularly cool that day, 29 degrees. Air-con consisted of opening the windows and driving faster until your eyes dried out completely. I can't complain though, I was in the front!
Maracas beach is beautiful and a lot more developed than Blanchisseus. There were shops to buy food and a guy came over and we got some loungers which was much needed. The sand bites. The guy was a little crazy with the worst teeth I've ever seen and took a liking to Pete. We told him we were form Sheffield and he asked if we knew Robin Hood. (Now we all know he's from Wakey hey Si?) Pete said yes and somehow this guy thought he'd said he was his brother! All got a little confusing, which is happening a lot over here, especially with Pete. First Ziggy, then the crazy lounger guy, who next?
Luckily it wasn't busy as we were told at weekends it can be heaving. The Soca Warriors were back from Germany and there was a huge party at the national stadium in POS so I think everyone was there. Now they are out of the world cup the headlines in the papers have returned to the many murders and rapes happening daily in and around POS. Makes entertaining reading!
We were told to try out 'Richard's Bake and Shark' which does the best Bake and Shark going. So we did. The bake is some fried bread bap thing and the shark is, well shark, although we're not convinced it was. But it was a fresh white fish in batter, deep fried. You then add what you want from the salad bar. Loads to try and then stuff it down your neck. I though it was delicious, Cate nearly vommed! She felt sick all day after that. Too much sun she thinks, I just think she's a little strange!
We got picked up at four, and made it back safely in Taylor's car.
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