Hi Everyone, This is my first entry although I haven't left yet. I have 3 more days to go and I am getting the last few things together which I will need on the trip. I also had my first malaria pill and it was horrible. I was sick all day and really hope that I don't feel like this again at any time during my trip. I have been warned but apparently it'll get better with the next pills. Fingers crossed!On Friday I had my leaving drinks at the Dignity in Soho and I thank everyone for coming to say good bye. I had a brilliant evening. At the moment it doesn't feel quite realistic for me leaving - I don't have overwhelmingly sad emotions or feel massively excited. It's kind of weird but I guess it'll hit me on the plane or a few days later realizing that I won't be in London for a whole year, not see my family and nieces for so long and not see John for the next 3 month!!! Well, my last weekend in London I've been chilling out at home with John. We spend all day in bed yesterday (recovering from Friday) and today I enjoyed my last Sunday roast at a nice pub. I am really interested to see what I get to eat on my trip: food and wine is probably one of the most important things for me when travelling. So be assured to read a lot on this subject matter! Hope you'll read my comments but more importantly stay in touch!
Lots of love Andrea x
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