Hello everybody!
We´re blogging again - back from Utopia! Or Utila, Honduras so to speak!
Starting out from Antigua, Guatemala at 4am we hoped to make it to Utila by late afternoon! The journey infront of us wasn´t that long in distance, but quickly we discovered that it was going be much more time consuming than planned!
We had read alot about Honduras before going there - The country is momentarily stuck in a political "chit-chat", after a goverment crisis. It´s all over the news, and everybody has been advised not to go to Honduras, but infact, a crisis like this has little or no effect at all for the everday life of a honduran! That said, we chose only to go to Utila, on the Bay of Islands and skip the more "dangerous" mainland to be on the safe side. Quite a pity, because the scenery of the green mountains and banana-fields is stunning! (Honduras is one of the major world banana producers!!)
Well... On we went on a bus towards Utila, but after 15 hours of travelling we only made it to La Ceiba, the port from where the ferry leaves! On the way, we had to cross through only what I can describe as total jungle with a fast-flowing river, as apparently a section of the main road had been closed off. Also, the bus had a minor crash... Minor for us in the bus, major for the van and guy we hit!!!
We took the boat the next morning after spending the night in La Ceiba - A rather dull place as any Honduran city! This country's pros are definitely it's nature and wildlife! Utila is just 11 km long and 4 km at its widest and surrounded by vast coral reefs with prolific undersea life. Everything here is about diving...and drinking!! It is also a Whale Shark highway, we both hoped to spot the worlds biggest fish here, unfortunately we didn´t!!
The diving here is really good though, and very cheap aswell! That being plenty to entertain the two of us! Charlie managed to do her Rescue course while I just did fun dives! We spent a week on Utila, diving, relaxing, avoiding human-sized cockroaches!... and much more! I caught a cold and burst a blood vessel inbetween my eyes. Quite a sight to see me come up to the surface covered in blood! Luckily it looked more horrifying than it was!
The people at our Dive Center - Cross Creek - were amazing aswell and especially the captain of the boat! Cookie! A lovely carribean chap who entertained everybody on the boat with his funny comments like how he "lives like a king man!" and "no matter what continent you on, be happy man!" and his classic reggae music onboard! He called Anders "Happy Feet" because of his extra extra big fins which looked particularly funny as he waddled to the edge of the boat to take the big stride into the water! So after 5 days of saving lives, fun diving, underwater photography and relaxing in our beautiful cabana we are ready to move onto our 5th country of the trip, which takes us to Nicaragua! We are currently staying in San Pedro Sula for one night, before taking a Tica international 1st class bus to Nicaragua... our first stop is Leon where we follow in Andy Corcs footsteps and go VOLCANO BOARDING!! Before flying to a tranquil island called Little Corn Island... for more diving would you believe!!
Adios for now!
Charlie og Anders
Halloj allesammen! Endnu en blog folger, denne gang fra Utila! En lille dykker-o i det caribiske hav!
Vi forlod Antigua klokken fire om morgenen for at tage mod Honduras. Det var egentlig ikke en lang tur distance-maessigt, men vi brugte alligevel 15 timer i bus! Det gjorde ondt i de lange ben! Det lykkedes da ogsaa ligefor bussen at smadre ind i en bil saa vi blev et par timer mere forsinket! Heldigvis kom vi frem Uskadte!
Utila er et herligt lille sted! Verdenskendt for sit fremragende koralrev og utallige billige dyk! Det er derfor lige et sted for Charlie og jeg! Vi brugte en uge her med masser af dykning og afslapning! Oen i sig selv er ikke saa flot som fks Cay Caulker, men den har en meget behagelig charme og venlige folk overalt! Derudover er der verdensklasse natteliv, noget jeg matte betale dyrt for! Men saadan skal det jo vaere!
Dykningen her er fremragende, og koralrevet er virkelig sundt! Det er ogsaa et tilholdssted for Hvalhajer (verdens storste fisk) saa dem haabede vi at se! Det blev der desvaerre ikke noget af, og det var endnu mere frustrerende at faa at vide, at en baad saa en 15 meter lang krabat to timer efter vi havde forladt revet! Fordomt! Men med eller uden hvalhaj, saa har vi virkelig nydt Utila! Jeg var lidt forkolet ogsaa! Det er lidt dumt at dykke nar man har en tilstoppet naese! Et lille blodkar mellem mine ojne sprang og saa var der ellers blod i stride stromme fra tuden! Men det saa heldigvis mere dramatisk ud end det var!
Vi kommer desvaerre ikke til at se noget af fastlandet! Honduras er i ojeblikekket i en politisk krise efter et diktatorisk kup! Det fraraades derfor at rejse rundt i landet! Det er en skam for det er virkelig smukt og ufattelig gront! Spidse bjerge, bananplantager og dejlige folk! Der er masser af mulighed for at se dyr og riverrafte, men det maa vi have tilgode til en anden gang!
I stedet haster vi videre til Nigaragua, mere dykning og mere godt venter forude! Det glaeder vi os meget til! Naesten en maaned er gaaet af turen og vi har virkelig haft fart paa! Men vi er langt fra udmattede - Appetiten er stadig stor!
Og saa hurra for Rommefar, Jon-dahlen og alle de andre! Jeg planlaegger i skrivende stund en tur til Sydafrika naeste sommer ;)
ps. Det er ogsaa dejligt at OB er nummer 1!!
I maa hygge i DK! jeg horer det bliver lidt koldt! Her er det jo "kun" 30 grader!
Snoft snoft....
Anders og CHarlie
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