Up for free breakfast then – result! We decided that while we were here at surf camp we would make use of all the facilities on site. So….this meant we had to hire out one of their old school push bikes! The ones with the one gear, the rounded frame and very thin wheels! We jumped on these very attractive bikes with our helmets on, and off we went on what turned out to be a 10km bike ride! We went to the next town (along the freeway!) Wongaloo! Quiet little place, made it to what was their high street I suppose, full of shops and of course a post office! Grabbed a very tasty roll and then headed back to keep within our hire time of the bikes. On the way back along the very long and not so safe freeway, I hear from behind me ‘Amy………stop……….come look at this….!’ Thinking something was wrong I chuck my bike back around to face Lisa who is behind me, and rush back to her. She is still on her bike and is staring at the ground. I thought oh it must be some road kill that I didn’t see or something. But no, oh no, no, no!! I get there to find a huge, long white snake, wriggling along in the grass bit of the verge on the side of the road!! So what do we do, oh we get off our bikes and get closer to get a better look!! Stupid, stupid girls!! We are in Australia for flip sake, the place that is full of the worlds most dangerous animals and we get off our bikes to get our faces as close as possible to potentially one of them!!! Hysterical! When we got back to surf camp (all in one piece with no problems from the snake just knackered from the ride) and explain to one of the guys there, and he calmly informs us that the snake that we just had our heads about a metre away from was just a white python you no!!! I was like OH MY GOD!!!! WICKED!! HAHAHA!
Our last afternoon at surf camp basically comprised of us and Fleur messing about on the beach, making sand castles and just chilling out and getting excited about our trip tomorrow – this saw us get on our last Oz Bus journey to the Big City of Sydney!!
We had to be up early and on the bus, but it didn’t make much difference because someone had left the door on automatic over night and so the battery was dead – we weren’t going anywhere in a hurry! So in the blazing heat we played some beach footy! 2 hours later, the bus had been fixed and we were finally on our way! A long journey, took us 8 hours before we got to our destination. Sonic took us in over the Sydney Harbour Bridge and through the city – a tour of Sonic’s best bits! It was so cool! Such a big city, very busy with both people and transport, high skyscrapers and so much more to take in!
We got dropped off at our destination and we were booked in at Base for the night, as tomorrow was when we were to meet with Hans, the dude we renting our flat from.
Up and about and off to find the flat and meet Hans and get moved in.
Well – I don’t want to go into it because it was all a complete sham, and we got ripped off! No Hans turned up, no 1901 Commonwealth Street, and no sign of our $300 that we had paid either. Absolutely pissed off, not in good moods, both up s*** creek, and have nowhere to stay for the night, and are going to struggle from this point onwards. Being so close to Christmas, all hostels have put up their prices that’s if there are even any rooms left. Not happy. Had to spend the night in a hotel (not act bad priced) but way more than hostels, but the only option we had after going to the police and being told there was nothing they could do to help us.
So the next morning, we were searching again to find somewhere to stay, when I received an email from a lady who we originally enquired about a flat, had emailed me, asking if we had found anywhere yet and if not to get in contact! So that’s what we did, and within the next 6 hours we had viewed it, loved it and fell in love with it, so that was where we moved into. We explained our situation and we worked out a very good price and that was it – all sorted.
So a very bad end to the week, but this inspired us to just get on with things, and be grateful that it was only money that we had lost, and nothing serious or life threatening and to just continue enjoying our time away. Very hard, oh my god very hard! Smoked a few too many cigarettes but hey I think I was allowed!
The weekend in Randwick was spent job hunting and checking out what we had near to us, and to be honest, it couldn’t have worked out any better!
The next thing was to explain to the girls what had happened :o(
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