Amy's Travels 2006
Its a beautiful morning here in Brisbane. It is only 7.15... damn! I thought it was 8.15! That's why I got up! All the others are in bed! Damn damn damn!! Oh well all the free internet computers are free and I am going to make myself a lovely cup of tea. Think I have caught myself a bit of a cold from sleeping in air conditioning (I am used to sleeping in single-fanned rooms in south east asia... trying to aclimatise to the slightly cooler conditions here!)
While in Brisbane we have met up with an old Uni mate called Andy. He was in Bali and not having the best of times so he decided to come out here and join us for a bit. However he has hooked up with a French DJ-guy who is planning on making the trip up the coast from Sydney to Cairns in a car and surfing on the way so he is going to join him as it is more fitting to his plans. It has been cool to see Andy though!
Brisbane isn't the coolest cities on Earth, in fact it is quite boring and there isn't much to do. We got a free didgeridoo lesson, however! It isn't the easiest instrument but after a while I got the hang of it. I can do 'kangeroo' and 'kokaburra' noises (kind of) but it was good fun. We have just been going to a few pubs and last night we did a pub quiz but didn't win anything... came close though!!
Today we are going to catch the bus to Noosa, which is a sea side town with good surf so going to hire ourselves out a few boards for a few days.
Its crazy that we are already in Queensland. It took 16 hours in total to get from Sydney to Brisbane by bus if that can give you some idea of the distance travelled. This is certainly too big a country to do in just 5 weeks but what I have seen so far has been really good. We have 3 weeks left here and we have tours booke dfor Fraser island (you are in a team of 5 and 4x4 drive over the sand and navigate yourselves over the island) and sailing through the Whitsundays.
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