Amy's Travels 2006
I am sitting here with Will who is my special guest at writing this journal entry today - what a lucky guy! So will what have we been up to over the past couple of days??
Will: Errrrrrrr well funny story actually we went mountain biking yesterday around a lake. We got to the half way point and had a rest and then I rode off on the way back. I realised the girls weren't with me and all I could see was this guy who was out on a run and he was absolutely cracking up! The guy said 'I think one of your friends is back there, she's okay though' and I rode back to find Rhia sprawled out on the floor after taking a nailing. She had apparently only ridden 1 meter before falling off her biking, dodging a stone. It was pretty funny. Turned out to be a really good day.
and we have been out in Queenstown every night since we got here - its sweet as!
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