Dear Ames
Fab: pics so glad you,re ok
Keep fit and well
Much Love to you Dad xxxx
Hi Amy
Sounds like you're having a great time!! Keep the blogs and photo's coming. Love reading about your adventures
Keep Well
Sandra and Aidan xxx
John Harman
Dear Ames
So glad you arrived ok can,t wait to
see new photo,s keep well
Love Dad xxxx
Mary White
hi amy pictures are amazing wish i was there with you love you mum xxxx;
John Harman
Dear Ames
Glad all ok roll on pics of whistler watch out for runaway skiers
Love you Dadxxx
I just read all of your blogs, i'd love to be there with you, everything looks really amazing.
I loved the aborigianl art, that stuff looks really nice.
I can't wait to see your pics when you get to Whistler, do you think you'll visit the Winter Olympics site there?
Love You,
x x x x
Phil Harman
hi hope u well xxx
Katie Horne
hello fartman, glad you and skiddy got there ok, im looking farward to you photos, have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and enjoy every second, as it flys buy.xxxxxx
Sandra O'shea
Hi Amy, Glad you arrived safe and well. Just checked your card balance and all the money has been credited ok, phew!! At least you can use it now. Ha ha. Have a wonderful time and keep us all posted with your adventures. xx
John Harman
Darling Ames so glad everything ok i bet your tired what a trip?
now comes the good bit ENJOYMENT see you soon
LOVE Dad xxx ps take care
Daniel O'shea
Hi Gorgeous, i hope that you've arrived ok and are getting sorted. I can't wait to see you already and the big countdown for NY is now on.