Saturday 11th April
We awake late! It's after 8, but probably because of the time change over the border. We get up and have breakfast with the others.
We decide to walk to a church about 2.5km away. It's the only close one we can see on google maps or internet.
We walk down through some markets. Lots of fresh food and flowers. When we eventually reach the church the lesson is about half over but there are still arriving. It's much easier to make sense of written Spanish than spoken. We understand little, but the hymn music is the same. It's communion today and we just try and take our cues from others. A few ppl speak to us. Most in Spanish and 2 ladies in english. After church we walk back via a statue park. There are ppl feeding pigeons and a small carousal for children made up of all sorts of random things like children's toys.
Once back the cleaning lady comes so we step out to give her space. Malcolm calls his brother and accidentally wakes him. Forgot to check the time!
After calling my parents we enjoy a late lunch of left over korma from last night. An afternoon nap is in order and when I awake it's not too long until we meet our new group for briefing.
After the briefing we walk to a bar/restaurant nearby. I get falafel and Malcolm gets apple crumble. The dishes are nice. We farewell the rest of our last group and walk back to the hotel. We see homeless sleeping in the ATM cubicles (Like phone booths built into the wall).
We get to bed about 11pm.
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