G'day all...... SO, friday 23rd Jan, me and Ricky were officially homeless. So, we went for some dinner in the city, then bought some cinema tickets in this brilliant complex place, where there were all bars and restaurants. The film (valkerie with tom cruise) was on at 11.45 pm! so we thought hey that bar looks good, we'll go in there! there was an 80s band on, it was brilliant! safe to say, I got hammered on beer, we were dancing all night and never went to see the film!! lol At one point I wondered off, like I do most times I'm drunk, Ricky thought I'd passed out in the toilets and smacked my head or something, but I was sending drunken txts to people on a chair. After the bar closed we had no idea what to do, I was pretty drunk....we wandered back to nomads, went on internet for a bit, got our backpacks out of storage, decided against the beach idea, as the beach was ages away, and it was cold!! we snuck in the lift up to level 1, and made our beds with our towels and backpacks in a shower cubicle room!!! Ricky slept like a baby, but I was waking up every 5 mins thinking we're going to get caught!! Atleast we could have a nice shower in the morning! it was our very own free en suite! so we proper "tramped it up" that night. We booked the next 5 days in a hostel called the nunnery, which funnily enough is an old nunnery, in an area called fitzroy, which is close to a cool street called brunswick street. On the saturday we also went into st kilda, viewed a flat which was gorgeous and cheap! perfect for us, we were well pleased, the couple said they would call us......NOTHING!! we think they thought we were "english piiiiigs" the search for a room continues........
Monday 26th jan - AUSTRALIA DAY!! We got up for the tennis open today, had centre court tickets, it was a scorcher of a day, BUT our seats were in the shade! I had goosebumps I was proper chilly! was a top day though, saw some good players, mark phillopuses - yum yum, in a doubles match, 2 french guys, simon & monfis, then serena williams vs a girl that nearly passed out on the court!! saw venus in the crowd with their mum and dad. then the final match was between nadal (yum yum) and gonzales. In the evening I went to watch the fireworks with rachel, and met some of the girls, and ricky went out with the boys in st kilda. Me and rach walked around the centre, went to a bar, then went possum hunting in a park behind the museum, which was so so funny, they are funny little creatures, and there are tonnes of them!! they come right up to your feet, and me and rach were running away incase they bit us! Then had a shower and went to bed around 1am. Ricky comes staggering in at 5am! smelling like a brewery, slobbering all over me. Went on a jam hunt - random??! and left the door open, then came back and divulged to me he left all the boys, ended up on his own stripping for a competition in......a gay bar, to which - he came 2nd! bravo gay boy!! I directly asked him if he was gay, to which he denies!! mmwwuahahhahaa.
It's weds 28th jan today, its been 42 today - very very hot, we went to the fitzroy baths and had a swim in the outdoor pool, which was rammed, but it was nice to get in the water! we're going to see that film tonight at the cinema....and not be destracted by an 80s band this time!
Our plans have changed some what, we have decided not to stay in melbourne now. We are booked into the nunnery until tuesday 3rd, this is beacaaause..... sat 31st at 8am we have the 3 hour neighbours set tour!! waheyyy, and the evening of monday 2nd we have the neighbours night, which is a trivia night, and you get to meet a load of the actors and KARL KENNEDY'S band "waiting room" hahah are playing, me and rach are so excited. Theres a few of us going, me ricky, rach stu and keith. should be a laugh, I can't wait LOL sad I know. So we are going to book a flight for Tuesday 3rd to take us back to sydney. We will probably stay in sydney for a night or two, then arrange for our oz experience tour to start, this is our 6 month bus passes to go up the east coast, and we also have trips booked along the way. We thought we may aswell do it while we have money, because its all paid for already. and we will work along the way, and also try to get our 3 months fruit picking out of the way. We came to this decision after viewing poo flat after poo flat, and ricky realising it might be hard to find work here. SO thats our new plan!! Right I'm off for a shower, hope everyone is well! love you all xxxx amy
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