Hello People!
So we've got a lot to right here as we haven't done the blog in a while and we've been so a few places so sit back, relax and enjoy the read. J Ok so we headed to Noosa after a disappointing Mooloolaba visit and we booked in "flashpackers" hostel, it was the best hostel we've stayed in the the people there were really friendly and chilled out, It's a new hostel and the way its run is good e.g. No dirty dishes left in the sink. We booked in for 4 nights here as we are thinking about living here for a few months after we've done our travels. So the first night we arrived was a one to remember, or not should I say, after meeting our new roomies and hostel buddies it was one of their birthdays and they were all going out and invited us so we went along, we were introduced the goon which is the next best thing since slice bread, It's 10 Dollars for 5 litres at 10% volume it does the job. We first hit one of the bars which there was a wet T-Shirt competition going on, I think Tom enjoyed this one a little bit more then Amys descusted face (What people would do for money) and then ended up in a seedy club until early hours of the morning. Next day Tom was so pleased that he didn't have a hangover and WAS NOT SICK! So everything went well.Next few days the weather was lovely and we basically went down the beach, the hostel did free Wi-Fi and free rent of surf boards! So we just caught some waves (tried to) and topped up on our well-earned tans. Thinking back, the whole 4 days we did nothing accept sunbath and swim and the beautiful Noosa, Hasting's Beach! This place is amazing, a relaxed chilled out vibe with everything being 5 minutes from each other. Hasting street is more for the upper class retirement/Business class and is a lot more expensive there other places around - we've been looking at renting a place in hasting street which is looking promising. JAll round Noosa was an amazing place we both loved it there and it has everything we need and are looking for, Beach right outside your room, Shops for Amy, Cinema (For both of us) and did I mention an amazing beach, oh yeah and it has the sun which we are really both fond of!
While in Noosa we saw a sign saying "work for accommodation on Keppel Island!" so straight away we were on the phone asking if they needed anyone and to our luck they are! So we arranged to get picked up from the ferry port ofKeppel island on Thursday next week we can't wait,it's 3 hours a day just mincing around doing bits and bobs, those 3 hours are going to be tough as we are not used to working! But we both can't wait. So when we realized we needed to be 15 hours north of Noosa, we got packed and headed on our way!
We booked the grey hound the next day and we hit rainbow beach within 3 hours. This place is tiny! A small little village with a massive beach. A few bakeries and a small convenience store but it had a nice feel and the people were very welcoming. We asked a few people were the sand blow was and it was a "10 min" walk to it, YER RIGHT! "Just up that hill and round the corner" We started walking up a hill, kept walking up, up some more up and up again, then round a corner, Amy didn't stop moaning the whole way. But when we arrived at the destination it really did take our breath away we can both honestly say out of all the things we've seen, this is without question the best view with seen, on one side of the sand mountain you have forests and a villages for miles and walk across to the other side and you our hit by an endless amount of blue ocean with the coloured sand cliffs on the right you can see whales out at sea and get close to the cliff's edge and you can see the seemingly endless stretch of soft sand and high waves hitting the sun kissed beach. (That sounds like something out of the lonely planet but more cheesier). But it was well worth the walk and I'd recommend it to anyone (Kara and Aaron).
We only spent one night in Rainbow because the next day we had booked Fraser Island for a 2 day 1 night trip (250 dollars each) we've heard so many good things about this place and everyone, yes everyone says it's a must do so we were really excited about it.
Before I go on ranting about Fraser Island Amy wants me to add something about Noosa, The guy who we shared a dorm with bloodystunk, when you opened the door "WOUFFF" the smell of a rotting dead animal mixed with moldy veg (like my mum's fridge) only joking mum, I think. J
Ok back to Fraser Island the land of beautiful sands, Yea right. So this is was happed. We got picked up outside our hostel and as we were walking up to the 4wd Amy turned to me and said "why is there kids in the truck" I didn't know the answer to this question as in all the brochures and from all the people we've spoken to about the place is that you always get put with young people around 20-30 year olds, NOT US, we get stuck with an Italian family with 3 kids under the age of 8, 2 of the kids were little girls which were twins, one of just loud and spiteful and the other cried all the time, while the little boy would pull and punch his sisters constantly. I'm sorry Katie and Kara now I understand! They didn't speak a word of English and all through the journey the kids would just stare at you making you feel like there is something wrong with your face the only English they spoke was "what is your name" so we were asked this about 10 times over the 2 days.
Anyway moving on our first stop was Lake Birrabeen, which was a really big lake with pure white sand which looked like snow, everyone talked about Lake Mckenzy but the tour guide said Birrabeen was a less populated lake and the other lakes get's 1000 people a day, we thought to ourselves "it gets that many people a day because its obviously better then this one"but we went along with it anyway, after that we headed for a jungle walk Tom just kept looking out for snakes and Goannas but Amy who was about 30 metres ahead of Tom just kept her head looking at the ground and walking, she just wanted to get outta there. After the walk we sat and had a picnic with our nice family of Italians. Just before dawn we ran up the sand mountains and are very knowledgeable tour guide told us about the sands etc which was nice but we missed sunset as the Italian family took ages to do anything. We couldn't go swimming on Fraser as it's to dangerous as there is so many sharks in the sea. But back at base camp we must say that the BBQ they cooked us was lovely. We both tried Kangaroo and it tastes like pork, Amy loved it but I couldn't bare to eat any more of the little friendly Joey L. We sat round the camp fire which was really Smokey but was nice. The next day we headed to the Eli Creek, which was a fresh water stream so pure you could drink it, Tom tried it and it does taste like bottled water, you get to swim down the river from a certain point which is fun but it isn't very deep in some area's and we got unlucky with the weather, since we've been in Australia over a month it hasn't rained in the day once, the day we go to Fraser Island it bloody rains. We stilled enjoyed it even though it was cold! After Eli Creek we went to, A crappier version of Petersfield lake as Amy would put it. It was not good as they had a lot of rain in the summer and it has made the lake really high so there isn't a beach any more, until it dries out. So that was again, poor. After that we just had a 1 hour drive home back to base were we ate our lunch and then drove back to Rainbow beach at 2pm, It's not really 2 days 1 night as we were back in rainbow by 2. So all in all it was not worth the 500 bucks we paid (250 Bucks each) but I can see why people say it's an amazing place, if you get the right people, right weather and good lake condition it could be amazing but it wasn't for us so we don't recommend anyone waste their money, when we arrived in rainbow beach we booked in another night as the grey hound wasn't running after this time so we just chilled out and left for Hervey bay the next day. We're in Hervey bay now at another "Flashpackers" which is lovely they gave us a good deal on a private room which is cheaper than a dorm room, we have our own bathroom which Amy is over the moon about. We thought we'd treat ourselves as we have stayed with Germans for the last month, So many of them. ARGH! Anyway we are off to Rockhampton in a few days then Thursday we are off to Keppel Island but we are visiting Town 1770 for a free surf lesson which we are looking forward to. So ciao for now and we will keep you updated soon.
Take care Love Tom and Amy xxxxxxx
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