Hey guys, nice to know you havent forgotton us, drop us a message and we will write back
to u! hope u enjoy looking at our pics see u all soon lots of love amy and jen xxxxx
Hey babes, its amz, that sounds wicked bout ur birthday really wish i could be there, well make sure u look after ross u know how he gets when hes drunk lol!! Not many adventures yet but wev had a few funny moments so il fill u in!! Wed night we went to the casino but ended up losing money so we just stayed in the bar and got drunk!! while daniel was getting the drinks some random man in his 40/50s asked us for the chair so we were like yeah sure but then he sat down next to us and we were like what are u doing lol! anyway we couldnt get rid of him and he kept nicking daniels cigarettes and asked us for some money for a beer but we were like no sorry we only have our cards! then he asked jen to read out a txt msg he just received (really he had just written it himself) it said something about do u want any hanky panky tonight lol so we were like 'ewww yuck' and then he just left what a weirdo!! Then thurs night we went to a club in the city called eve and we set daniel up with this girl that looked like princess fiona in shrek he was not happy with us!! some guy also blew smoke in my face so jen nicked daniels cigarette and went and blew smoke in his face lol!! well thats all i can think of right now!! so hows work etc? that martin guy added me on myspace and asked me for ur number again do u want me to give it to him?
wer leaving melbourne tommorow morning a like 6.15am! wer going to wilson prom and lake entrance which is like a 3 day tour and then wer going to sydney! but theres been some floods and monsoons at the moment lol just our luck!! better go hun but will speak soon love u lots missing u loads give my love to ross xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey girlys!!!!!! How are you both? Sounds like your having a fab time in oz!!!!!!!!! Saw a few pics n your facebook earlier amz!!! Glad the ewwwww yuck came in usefull!!!....but hey then again when doesnt it!!! haha!!! What adventures have you been up to so far?! When are you leaving melbourne? Sooo jelous!!! Theres not really a lot of goss from home really!!!! Ive seen nick quite a bit!!!Going to the zap club for my birthday!!! ross is coming amz!! haha! I think hes missing u lots!!! Its playroom night there so it has a bouncy castle, ball pool, giant games, face painting etc!!! Wish you 2s were there to join me!!! Write soon love u xxxx
Hey u,
How is it going over in Auzzie land? I hope u r having such a great time! Bet you both are.
Mace is keeping me upadated with the emails etc, lol. And I have now got your hotmail jen so I can email you. Mace has given it to me.
Anyway, Il leave you to it now. If you find time I would like to hear what amazing things u have been uupto.
Love ya Kayleigh xx
hey loz, hope ur last exam went well!! heard the hol has been booked yay looking forward to that!! bet ur glad ur exams are over? u home yet? speak to u soon babe miss u love u xxxxxxxxxxxx
hey rossy baby, im ok and yes i will look after jen but i need someone to look after me lol :( only joking! hope ur ok will be putting the pics on soon so u can see all the disgusting food we had in hong kong lol! love u lots will call u soon xxxxxxxxxx
hey emily baby sorry havent replied for a while u ok? hows work? went to chadstone yesterday it looks a bit like bluewater, some man on a stall grabbed me and started buffing my nail and was like do u have boyfriend (he was from israel) and i was like yes at home and he was like can i give u my number i was like 'ewwwwwwwww yuck' lol! will try and find u a nice surfer and a kangaroo lol! hope ur ok we will be putting the photos up in a bit love u lots missing u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hey mace, u ok? wer having a great time here but its quite chilly lol good news wer going to an animal sanctuary on sun so we can bring u home a kangaroo lol!! cant wait to get to the warmer parts but not looking forward to the long bus rides!! jope the hol has been sorted!! wb missing u lots love u xxxxxxxxxx
hey bry, wer having a great time but its quite cold in melbourne and it gets dark really early which is weird!! wer going to the city today to meet up with my friend elise and going to a casino tonight!! hong kong was boiling and the food was sick in this restaurant they brought out a dead fish which had big lips and some chicken feet which still had their toes me and jen wer nearly sick but daniel ate the fish lol!! missing u lots hope ur having fun back home cant wait for the holiday wb love u bitty babe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hey babes................how ru doing? missing u both lots already!!! hows oz? been up to much yet? im bak at uni now for my last exam! cant wait til its over!!
Hope ur having a great time so far!!!!
Love u lots xxxxxxxx
HEY BABES! hope you're enjoying yourself. choppy chop with holiday scene lol! the place looks wicked! been up to much so far? wish i was out of england, its s***e!
love u lots love b xxxx
well i hope u boyh have a gr8 tym!!! amy remember to be safe and look after jen as u no wat she's like with a drink lol i wont miss jen but ill miss my baby amz!!! (only jokin jen)
dont 4get to up date ne fotos and that
peace out
Hello girlys! I really hope you have both arrived safley to oz!!!!!!!!!! You are going to have such a fantabulous time!!!!!!!!!!! Just remember to look after each other and try not to pick up any weird men! lol!Just ewwwwww yuck them and you will be fine!!!! Keep me informed of all your adventures....i want to know EVERYTHING!!!!hey its not just mace that wants a kangaroo i want one to!!!!! And a nice surfer dude!!! yum yum! love you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey babes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yay im the first to write on here!!!!i no you even left the country yet but im sitting at work and am sooooo tierd,but probably not as shattered as you two are!!!Just want to say i hope you both have the time of your life and loads of fun!!!!!!
If you come across a lonely kangaroo bring it home for me lol!!!!!!
love you loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx