SO just a quick update to keep all informed (Dad in particular, i know you are getting worried) I have have a whale (haha) of a time on the Island, Vancouver Island that is, and am now getting ready to rave it up on my last weekend before i hit the mainland. The game plan is Vancouver, Banff, Jasper, Calgary, Winnipeg then Winnipeg to NY stopping in as many places as i can and want on the way. I will then leave NY on the 11th August go to Niagara Falls then back to Winnipeg for an indefinite amount of time.
So just so we are all on the same level of understanding, it is indeed my plan to find a job out here, come back in September and get a working visa then come back out here and work for a year, then carry on Uni next September in Canada. So i will still be seeing you all in Sept for around 6 weeks while my visa comes through...! I hope everything is going well and Iwill try and get hold of a phone card so i can call while im treckin' accross the wonderful rockies. I will start updating this properly now - it wasn't working on Madilyns computer so it was a proving a tad difficult but now i am actually travelling and not just living in one place i will keep y'all informed. I will have facebook mobile though so will be able to read messages recieved there and reply through my cell - keep them short though!
Keep enjoying the summer - speak to you all soon. ROLL ON ROD STEWART!!! :) love and miss you all. JOE start passing my messages on to Dad you little ragamuffin. Someone give Megan my love and a massive cuddle xxx
BIG HEARTS, little sister/daughter etc etc
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