G'Day everyone!
Well firstly I hope that you're all nice and warm wherever you are reading this, just think about me freezing my arse off!! It's 10 degrees here and being used to what, nearly 40 degrees, I'm not used to it! Saying that getting off the aeroplane with the crisp air and little chilly breeze, I did feel like I had landed home. It was a weird feeling. The novelty of the whoel western culture and English countryside with COWS and SHEEP! hasn't quite worn off yet, but the cold and the sheer expense of everything here is helping wear it down!
Melbourne Melbourne Melobourne....Feels like a mix of Camden town and the top end of Manchester and Sheffield but then there is a little bit of whitstable mixed in for good measure. What I'm trying to say is it's eclectic (I've been wanting to use that word for ages!!) and I love it here!! I'm a small fish in a big bowl and I'm not the only, ahem, blonde! Yay!!
Whilst here we have met up with old friends, made some great new ones! ventured on the tram, cruised the waterfront along the lit up boardwalks, climbed the skydeck and watched the sunset from the 88th floor, which was quite scary actually.
The 15th Sep marked the halfway point of my trip and to celebrate we went to the ACMI centre and visited the Tim Burton Museum, it was brilliant! He is such a hilarious wrtier and artist! He and Quentin Tarintino should really get together (professionally), that would be amazing! Then we made flip books and became matrix style warriors witj the use of crazy camera's which was all jolly good fun! The next day we escaped down the 'paris' of Collin's street, had the most amazing hot chocolate of my entire life so far and scrambled down the graffiti and art laneways, watching guys in the act from around the corner in case they beat us up-they did look scary!
Our last full day in Melbourne we did the 2nd most popular tourist attraction in Australia, The Phillip Island tour!! We visited national parks, wildlife centres and finally the spot where all the little penguins (30cm tall) clambered in from their hard days fishing to go back home to their family for a bit of regurgitation fun!! We saw kanga's, wombats (who look a bit sad really), kookabura's and Koala's!! They can be a little vicous too! To be fair he had chlamydia in his eye, I'd be grumpy if I was him! A splendid pizza dinner then off to bed ready for the epic 42 hours to Alice Springs! Bring it on!!
Our plan is to go to Uluru and sleep under the stars! Then road trip from Alice to Cairns...Lets see how good that plan works out shall we...? I'll let you know!!
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