Hello Everyone!!
So here I am tourless and in a new country- THAILAND!! My last couple of days in Hong Kong were brilliant but expensive and it was good top get out of there! So met Sarah in the Bangkok airport and started our journey!!! Went out the first night around the Koh San road....same as before! brilliant! The next day we did a whilwind tour of Bangkok, the golden mount, the grand palace, Wats and other little temples and then went out for my birthday drinks! My birthday treat was a fish foot spa...the most ticklish thing i have ever done in my life, it felt so weird! Then we found a rooftop bar with live music and the band were amazing! Viva La Bumba!!! ha! Then a good round of "happy birthday" to (Wendy??) and home very happy with a strwvberry cake, delicious! Today we went to the market and I bought myself some lovely things! You'll see them soon enough and then to Chang Mai tonight for Trekking, elephants and slow boating!! Talk soon guys! xxx
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