Hi Everyone!!!!
Well it's been a few days since i've updated you all so seen as the vodkatrain has ENDED!! (sad times!) I have some time for you, ha! Right so after Irkukst we boarded another train (shock!) and worked our way to Mongolia!!! We went to Ulanbaataar saw some traditional throat singing and Mongolian folk dancing which was brillant!! Saw my first temple! Top of the hill as uaual and had the hugest golden buddha I have ever seen!!! No pictures allowed but naturally the official photographer of the tour got one! Then we went to my favourite place so far, to a Ger Camp!!! It was brilliant living in a big wooden stilted tent covered in wool and cotton, then hiking in the hills, climbing, riding horses and star gazing on the rocks at night, highlight of the trip so far!!! (and my horse gallopped!!) Learnt how to play knuckle bones which is a very cool game using sheep bones (which smell a bit) but i'll teach you all about it when I come back! and don't worry no need to kill any animals, i've already got a pack! So back to Ulanbaataar to stop over before the train to China, the natural history museum had the most hilarious taxidermy I've ever seen! Googly eyes on fish and lipstick in bears!!! Funny stuff! Then off out to sadly watch the football and no karaoke yet I'm afraid people but I seriously think the heat is doing wonders for my singing abilities!! So last train journey of the trip and blimey what a train!! Air conditioning!!! two toilets!! Heaven! How easily pleased we all are! So Beijing!! Firstly, very hot! 39 degrees and literally no wind! secondly, no smog!! Very suprised about that!! Went to the forbidden city and climbed the great wall (then wrung out my t-shirt!) and Peking duck! Which sorry guys I can't say is much better than at home but try the skin with some sugar! de-lish!! So out for our last night together and good-bye to the Vodkatrainers!! Had a fantastic time with everyone on the trip and really think I've made some friends for life! So tonight is the night market and that means scorpions!! Yum! (i'll let you know how I like it!) then hello Roam China tommorrow!! No facebook allowed in China so I'll use this more often! Talk soon!! xxx
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