Missy's Travels
About Ashleigh
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Nazca culture, Peru

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Cusco, Peru

New blog entry posted
Cusco, Peru
joan Mchugh Hi Missy, Grandma & I think you could be a travel journalist !! Your writing & detail is fantastic. She had a great time in Sri Lanka & rode an elephant. Enjoy the last of your trip looking forward to you coming home xxx Mum& Dad
joan Watts Enjoy the cold weather there: it is boiling hot here - typical Melbourne, 4 seasons in 1 day! We are going to Moonee Valley on Friday night with your parents to see the horse run. K's friend also did that tour you're on now but he had to catch his own guinea pig, they cooked it, then they all had to eat it! And he went to the prison & was offered drugs! (The inmates sold them to tourists). I've told Sal to look at your blogs before she books her tours - hope she does as she probably wouldn't be able to face eating guinea pig!! She would starve! And amazingly cold weather - you certainly have had it all weather wise! See you soon. Love Joan xxx
Ash Glad to hear about grandma, can't wait to hear how she enjoyed Sri Lanka - as that is one of my faviourite countries still. And Joan tell Sally if she wants any tips or hints or opinions on any place I've been to email me! I have not enjoyed the cold weather much, particularly as I only just sent several warm clothing items home with my friends in rio as I didn't think I would need them! I'm on my way this morning to stock up on thermals for the inca trail that starts on Friday! Xx

New blog entry posted
Our Lady of Peace, Bolivia
joan Mchugh Wow Missy !! You girls chose an amazing country to visit. Looking forward to next blog. Lots of love to you & all the girls x Mum & Dad
Joan Watts Sally plans to visit South & Central America from 22/2 so will tell her what you have done! Sounds as though you all are thoroughly enjoying the experience (& hangovers!) so keep it up. You won't be able to settle once you get back here, with all those happy times - but you will have your photos to remind you of the trip. Enjoy the rest of the travelling with your special friends. Love your blogs. Take care, love Joan & Les xx

New blog entry posted
Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil
joan Mchugh Hi Missy this tour is very different from Africa. Doesn't seem like much sightseeing so far. Glad u are have the girls with u would be difficult by yourself wondering around filling in time. Hope it improves. Xx Mum
Ash The first 4 days we had by ourselves was good in BA as we did a lot of sightseeing ourselves. There hasn't been much happening the past few days, but we were aware it would be like that. We just arrived into brazil today and already have been to one side of the iguassu falls which was incredible. So from here on in it's go go go! :) xx
Joan Watts Sal is mainly doing the Mayan bits - Cancun-Antigua-Costa Rica then trying to see a bit of Panama then work her way down to Argentina & Chile (she needs a visa to get to Brazil & too lazy to do it!). She is sub-letting her unit till beg June!! Sounds like your amazing adventure will be unforgettable & you will remember it forever. See you soon! Take care, love Joan xxx
re: Week 13Ash Glad to hear about grandma, can't wait to hear how she enjoyed Sri Lanka - as that is one of my faviourite countries still. And Joan tell Sally if she wants any tips or hints or opinions on any place I've been to email me! I have not enjoyed the cold weather much, particularly as I only just sent several warm clothing items home with my friends in rio as I didn't think I would need them! I'm on my way this morning to stock up on thermals for the inca trail that starts on Friday! Xx
re: Week twelvejoan Watts Enjoy the cold weather there: it is boiling hot here - typical Melbourne, 4 seasons in 1 day! We are going to Moonee Valley on Friday night with your parents to see the horse run. K's friend also did that tour you're on now but he had to catch his own guinea pig, they cooked it, then they all had to eat it! And he went to the prison & was offered drugs! (The inmates sold them to tourists). I've told Sal to look at your blogs before she books her tours - hope she does as she probably wouldn't be able to face eating guinea pig!! She would starve! And amazingly cold weather - you certainly have had it all weather wise! See you soon. Love Joan xxx
re: Week twelvejoan Mchugh Hi Missy, Grandma & I think you could be a travel journalist !! Your writing & detail is fantastic. She had a great time in Sri Lanka & rode an elephant. Enjoy the last of your trip looking forward to you coming home xxx Mum& Dad
re: Week twelveJoan Watts Sally plans to visit South & Central America from 22/2 so will tell her what you have done! Sounds as though you all are thoroughly enjoying the experience (& hangovers!) so keep it up. You won't be able to settle once you get back here, with all those happy times - but you will have your photos to remind you of the trip. Enjoy the rest of the travelling with your special friends. Love your blogs. Take care, love Joan & Les xx
re: Week elevenjoan Mchugh Wow Missy !! You girls chose an amazing country to visit. Looking forward to next blog. Lots of love to you & all the girls x Mum & Dad
re: Week elevenAsh The first 4 days we had by ourselves was good in BA as we did a lot of sightseeing ourselves. There hasn't been much happening the past few days, but we were aware it would be like that. We just arrived into brazil today and already have been to one side of the iguassu falls which was incredible. So from here on in it's go go go! :) xx
re: WEEK TENjoan Mchugh Hi Missy this tour is very different from Africa. Doesn't seem like much sightseeing so far. Glad u are have the girls with u would be difficult by yourself wondering around filling in time. Hope it improves. Xx Mum
re: WEEK TENjoan Watts Hope you have lots of photos as it will all seem like a dream once you leave. At least you have documented your trip so well. It gives us an idea of exactly what is happening! I am envious of your stamina & attitude: but would have been able to do it when I was your age!! An incredible, fantastic experience Ashleigh. Well done. Keep safe & take care - love Joan xx
re: Week 7Ash Good to hear allows well at your end and glad you're enjoying the reading :) merry Xmas to you too!
re: Week 5Joan Watts You write such informative descriptions of your travels, Ash! Well worth the money spent for all the experiences you're having! Enjoy the rest of it. Have a Merry Christmas wherever you are! Kirsty has Preps next year! Sally is going to Prince George to spend Christmas with Leandra & her mum, then on 28/12 heading to NY & Boston for 6 days, & on 15/1 to Cancun (Mexico) with her friends from Melbourne. It's COLD there! We've had a few busy months lately with big birthdays for Les & Geoff, the family reunion, etc. plus preparing for Christmas! I don't have to see any medicos till May as the offending growth hasn't changed since the April MRI! (it could possibly be scar tissue!). Am good though & looking forward to 24/12 at Joan Street! Take care. Love reading your blogs! Joan xxx
re: Week 5Ash Wrist is pretty good thanks mum.. Got nearly full movement but still am avoiding lifting heavy things. And Kace, it was heaven on earth! Xx
re: Week 3- last visited

- travel plan
- Nairobi, Kenya
- Eldoret, Kenya
- Kasese, Uganda
- Kabale, Uganda
- Isingiro, Uganda
- Jinja, Uganda
- Eldoret, Kenya
- Arusha, Tanzania
- Ngorongoro, Tanzania
- Arusha, Tanzania
- Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
- Zanzibar, Tanzania
- Iringa, Tanzania
- Iringa, Tanzania
- Rumphi, Malawi
- Lilongwe, Malawi
- Chipata, Zambia
- Lusaka, Zambia
- Livingstone, Zambia
- Gweta, Botswana
- Maun, Botswana
- Bophirima, South Africa
- Windhoek, Namibia
- Ombika, Namibia
- Swakopmund, Namibia
- Fish River Canyon, Namibia
- Cape Town, South Africa
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
Joan Watts Sal is mainly doing the Mayan bits - Cancun-Antigua-Costa Rica then trying to see a bit of Panama then work her way down to Argentina & Chile (she needs a visa to get to Brazil & too lazy to do it!). She is sub-letting her unit till beg June!! Sounds like your amazing adventure will be unforgettable & you will remember it forever. See you soon! Take care, love Joan xxx