Chinese Adventures
About Amanda
I realise I havent written anything for a while. Dont worry, not that you are, but I have been busy, not just too lazy to write, but actually busy :) Also I have already written this blog once today, but the website lost it. Not the best way to start writing again.
A lot has happened since Hong Kong. I have returned to Fuzhou with …
I thought it might be a good idea to write a blog of my adventures, or maladies whilst over in China. knowing me I will get lost, misunderstood and get myself into situations which most people could avoid. So this could get interesting :)
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New blog entry posted
Fuzhou, China
I realise I havent written anything for a while. Dont worry, not that you are, but I have been busy, not just too lazy to write, but actually busy :) Also I have already written this bl…

New blog entry posted
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Happy Friday the 13th!!!
Thought I might as well start with that, than anything to do with Hong Kong. Everyone knows Hong Kong, everyone loves Hong Kong, and I completely concur. Though I do …

New blog entry posted
Xiamen, China
So whilst this blog says I am writing about Fuzhou, I really am not. I am writing about Xiamen, south of Fuzhou by 100 or so miles. A group of seven teachers decided to go for our two day week…
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New blog entry posted
Fuzhou, China
Each time I write a blog, limited as they are, I alwasy struggle as to where to start. I feel I should start with the 'school trip'. This phrase conjures up a number of ghastly images, and sen…

New blog entry posted
Fuzhou, China
Another week has gone past and I have officially been in Fuzhou for two weeks and 2 days now! Sometimes it feels like time is going past so slowly, and then other days it feels like it is flyi…
Alice Enjoyed this blog! I'm going to Xiamen and was wondering where you stayed, since you liked it so much? If you could tell me the name that'd be great! Thanks :)
re: Xiamen, China- last visited

- travel plan
Amanda has not added a travel plan yet
Alice Enjoyed this blog! I'm going to Xiamen and was wondering where you stayed, since you liked it so much? If you could tell me the name that'd be great! Thanks :)