Hello everyone!!!!
Sorry not been online for a bit, been moving about loads and sometimes if the place does have internet the connection is so slow!!!!
Been up to loads since i last wrote which was when we had just came out of the jungle. Left Chiang Mai and headed even further north, stopped at a tiny place for one night called Thaton. Lovely riverside resort absolutely nothing to do though so we just chilled that night. Next day heading north again we crossed the border into Burma.
Just spent a few hours there, theres a duty free market where we could stock up on cheap booze ;) what a poor place, by the sounds of it no-one really cares about Burma, especially their government. Their were kids as young as 4 with a 2 or 3 month old baby strapped to their back wandering around begging for money. Not good, so didnt stay very long.
Then finally we arrived in Chiang Rai!! Smaller than Chiang mai, but a nice town. Werent many tourists and no-one really spoke english but was a nice change from some of the bigger towns we've stayed in.
First of all we went to visit the Golden Triangle, its where Burma, Laos and Thailand's borders all meet, joined by the Mekong river. Chinas border also isnt far from here.
This is where all the opium trading used to go on and is still a trading place for all these countries today.
Not much other sightseeing to do in Chiang Rai but plenty of places to shop and eat so took full advantage of that lol!! Ate some great food, drank some lovely wine and had the best massage since arriving in Thailand, woo hoo happy days!!
Left Chiang Rai after 2days, headed back towards Chaing mai to get the overnight train to bangkok.
Stopped on the way back at a monkey temple! Really cool, the monkeys all came down from the cliffs to see us, got some good photos there...even though it was pouring down! Watched them swim and play around and got to feed them monkey nuts lol, was nice to see them because they're wild and just roam around they're not caged or kept in any way.
Stopped at Chiang mai and had a free afternoon before we had to get the train so went to a 5 star hotel nearby to use their pool and top up our tans........
all this luxury is bliss after some of the hell holes we've stayed in!!!!
- comments
Sawsan Oh yes, I have been to Chiangmai twice this year, and will be going there next month. We were lucky that the International Flower Show and La Krathong events hanepepd simultaneously. We did visit the night market just next to the Tapae Gate. It is unbelievable we had to walk for nearly 3-4 kms from one end to the other. Its full of people and lots of bargains. We couldnt help indulging ourselves in getting cheap foot massages along the footpaths. Things are dearth cheap. Lots of arty farty thingies to choose from.For those who have not experience this before, it has to be a must go so that next time, when you talk to your mates about Chiangmai, at least, you can say, been there and done that. Finally, its pretty safe at the night market.Cheerskenneth coeNew Zealand