Amanda's Travels
I have booked my ticket today to fly to Perth on the 5th November. I am planning to stay in Perth for a month. The guys are going to Darwin on the 12th November and travelling down the West coast. We are planning to meet in Perth and then Dan and I are going to fly back to Brisbane for the 13th December to see Robbie Williams. Then we are flying to Sydney on 22nd December for Christmas. We are spending Christmas Day on Bondi Beach for Gatecrasher. But we have been unable to book anything for New Year. We did try to get tickets to see Basement Jaxx on Bondi Beach but the tickets sold out within hours. Then hopefully by the timew I come back to Brisbane in the New Year my Nursing Registration will be complete and I can start working at the Royal Brisbane Childrens Hospital. If that doesn't happen I may be coming home early in the new year.
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