Malibú, California
My journey fully sprung into action after I woke up to all of the strange coincidences occurring in my life. I could feel an insatiable energy pulsating through my body, I felt electrified! But I couldn't explain it for the life of me. This restlessness and inner knowledge that there's something more out there for me.
I believe it's this turning point in our lives when some of us turn to God, the divine, or simply becoming attuned to our inner self - our intuitive soul.
This moment came to me while I was lying in my van, parked up at Airlie Beach on the Whitsunday's in far North Queensland. I was contemplating some of the crazy adventures I had experienced this year. It was as though everything I thought of would sooner or later become my reality!
I wanted a specific type of van - 2 days later I found it online for a great price!
I wanted to surf with a pod of dolphins - low and behold, around 15 dolphins rode the wave with me while I was surfing in Byron Bay.
I really wanted to meet someone with a shack in the hills of Mullumbimby - we babysat for a gorgeous family in an amazing house in the lush green hills of the Byron Shire.
How about finding a villa in the Whitsunday Islands?? You betcha - we house sat for THREE DAYS, in a 5 story villa overlooking Daydream Island.
Now I could go on and on about this path of amazing happenstance, which I certainly will, as this is what will eventually become my little book of life!
Maybe your wandering how I woke up to this insane power? This energy that every single one of us can tap into if we only open our mind.
You can think about it like this - our universe exists from the formation of elements. As human beings, we are quite literally composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. So you could assume people and the universe all vibrate on this same elemental frequency then, right?
Our thoughts emit a frequency, and the universe responds to this frequency. So when we have a thought (positive or negative) or a desire (a manifestation) the universe will respond to this, it's called the Law of Attraction.
Google it, if you don't believe me, then believe Einstein!
It explains why, when we 'get out on the wrong side of the bed' a series of mis fortunate events are bound to happen. You are ultimately sending negative frequencies out into the universe that continue to bring you bad luck. Things DO NOT happen in threes - it only happens this way because you believe it so.
So anyway, this morning in Airlie Beach I had this desire to visit a little bookstore I noticed the previous day. Immediately upon arriving at this shop, I was instantly drawn to a small spiritual section hidden under the counter desk. The first book I found was titled "The Celestine Prophecy." If you've read this book your going to understand where I'm coming from. For those that haven't had the pleasure of finding this book just wait patiently, for it will find its way to you in good timing!
Basically the pages of this book describe our life's prophecy and how each person has the right to their own personal journey, if they are willing to wake up to the happenings around them.
The first of the nine insights of this prophecy details a restless energy that we as humans are prone to, and it encourages us to take special note of the 'strange coincidences' that are constantly occurring around us.
With practice, we can learn to listen and understand our internal and external cues which will allow us to attract more of these 'coincidences' into our life in order to begin fulfilling our destiny here on earth.
What is my destiny, you might be wandering? I am here as a healer. I fell onto this path when I was 14 and got offered a job in a nursing home delivering meal trays and emptying rubbish bins.
I progressed onto becoming a personal carer and then a Registered Nurse.
Furthermore, I have realised my healing powers expand way beyond this level.
I am traversing the world with the intention of impacting the lives of everyone I come into contact with. It's my mission to heal through happiness. I want to share positive and inspiring experiences with people, to open them up to the infinite possibilities they aren't yet attuned to.
Don't become the jellyfish in a strong current. Life is so much more abundant than that!
You can start this process by weeding your mind of negative thoughts. Don't let them take root in your mind, remove the sunlight of your attention from them. Believe that each mind set will condition the next. Cultivate love and kindness in order to create conditions for future mind states. (Thank you Vika for this amazing understanding).
I hope in my words you will also find the inspiration to realise your personal potential & that your life too has a purpose, and all the events around you are happening for a reason.
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