Hi All, yes we are in another country again, this time Argentina.
We spent 6 days in San Pedro in Chile doing not a lot, just chilling and enjoying the sunshine. Whilst we were there i managed to persuade John that he woudl like for us to go on a "star gazing" tour! and we did and it was AMAZING. We got driven out into the desert to an "observatory" (french mans garden with telescopes) and i honestly can´t explain how clear the sky was and how much we could see, it was fantiastic. Thousands of stars all actually twinkling and the milky way was stretching right over us. We got shown lots of constallations as well as 2 other galaxies. Brilliant. We then got to look through lots of telescopes at stars, clusters and globules as well as Mars. Then just as we were finishing up Saturn appeared on the horizon and we got to look at that, it was so unreal. Even John was a little impressed!!!
Anyway back to Argentina, its green and has grass rather than mud, it has tarmaced roads rather than dirt tracks, toilet seats and we can even throw the loo paper down them!!! Its all very civilised and so far we like it. Its still really hot too.
We are currently in Salta which is a smallish city in the Northwest. We have been wandering around today, its very pretty. We even went on a cable car to the top of a mountain overlooking the city which was a bit different. Anyway off south bound tomorrow so will keep you updated.
Love Aly xx
PS. Steak, Red wine and watching England win the rugby in the sun - Argentina is Brilliant! John x
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