As we said we would, we hit the beaches in Uruguay. We went from small beach town to bigger beach town to huge beach resort. Everywhere was pretty quiet, the season ended at the end of Feb and that literally means everything stops and shops and restaurants close down until next summer, it was eerily quiet in some places - one place we were 2 of 4 in the whole hostel (and the town it felt like too). But none the less it meant the beches were empty and that was lovely. The coast was quite windy which wasn´t perfect lying on a beach weather but on the flip side meant lots of surfers to look at! About 3 days into our stay in Uruaguay we worked out (through waiting an hour for a bus, that then arrived ´on time´ and printed that time on its tickets) that the clocks had changed the previous weekend and we had been an hour ahead of the whole country for DAYS. Go us!!! We went from the very remote places with pretty beaches to the large beach resort of Punta del Este, lots of high rises, designer shops, countless bars and restaurants a McDonalds and we should have hated it like the rest of the travellers we met but you know what it wasn´t so bad. Having been in isolation for a while felt nice to be back somewhere with some life! Anyway after 2 weeks in Uruguay we decided it was time to move on again and headed back to Buenos Aires. We arrived to rain, heavy rain. Not a good start we had to spend a whole afternoon inside, can you believe it. Anyway thankfully woke up the next day to brilliant bright sunshine and heat again so all is good. BA is still brilliant, we have just been spending days wandering around, checking we didn´t miss anything from our last stay. yesterday we took a train to the outskirts of BA to a place called Tigre, we did a river trip on the delta, it was a lovely day and very pretty surrounds. Today we booked our bus to Puerto Iguazu, we leave tomorrow meaning we will be in Brazil in a few days, arghhhhh. Bit scary how fast the time is going. Anyway lots of love to you all, see you soon. xxxxx
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