If you were in Eurpoe, I could quote the lines of the song 'The Final Countdown' , but you're not. I could quote the lines to 'Life in Tokyo' but I don't know the words! So all I will say is have a safe journey home and look forward to catching up when you return. Enjoy your lofty G&T's!
Bye For now
Joey xxxxxxxx
P S Happy Birthday for Friday Sue!
P P S message to Cazza..... What the hell are you doing posting messages at 5.30am! Sleep woman!
Mazza ~ Hidden talent or what?! Your a poet and i didnt know it!
The Davies clan is just multi talented! what with your poetry and Daves production skills you are all just wasted!!
Have a safe journey home PaS
Look forward to hearing all the stories from your travels
I really did enjoy the trip in Argentina and Chile even in that beaten up old truck.Great memories also of Xmas and New Year in Sydney enjoyed the barby with the ex Sas mob. Its been great reading the blogs and photos will miss them. See you at Heathrow dont forget my presents!!! lots of love xx
oh Mazza, well how canI follow that? What a talent.
PaS, gonna miss the daily blog, feel like I am living this final chapter of your allseven tour with you!
Can't wait for a squeeze
An Ode to ALLSEVEN BY Mazza
Well all seven the time is near,you'll soon be home celebrating with a beer
For 18 months you have toured the World around 28 countries you have toiled
What fun you've had on ferries and trains not knowing the time of arrival, only relieved of your survival
Well done to you both we will miss the blogs & photos daily, most as good as the great David Bailey
On Thursday you toast your trip in the HYATT, good luck and good fortune it will never be quiet
So hurry up home on the Virgin flight and drink Gin & Tonics through out the night,and plan the next part of your future together, the ALLSEVEN logo will be with you forever!
Have a safe journey home and see you very soon x x x
Hi Guys
Not long left now! Where has the past 18 months gone? How will we cope without the regular blog updates and photos??!!
Trust you to be returning the day before we are expecting the hottest day of the year here in England so you've got the lovely English sunshine to look forward to on your return.
Got the Percy pigs ready for you both!!
Enjoy your last couple of days
Lots of love XXXX
Hi guys,
First of all, thanks for your card! It has been great following your trip and I will really miss the good reading.
Enjoy your last days and I hope to see you next time I am in London.
Yvonne xx
Definitely going to miss the weekly updates from my favourite globetrotters but looking forward to having you back home! xx
Looking forward to seeing you again guys, only make sure Phill loses the girlie hairstyle Sue. He has obviously been spending too much time with those Gieshas. x
Hola amigos !!! As you know you are my favorite couple !! I´ll really miss this journal, you´ve make me laugh a loooot !!! Enjoy this days left as much as you can, as you always do !!! Cheers from Buenos Aires !!!!! ps: you should ask gustavo to make a dental-congress-journal, as he´s flying to NY on friday 20 th !! hahaha Take care !! xxx