We had a great time on the road in Chile and Argentina we felt like a Martini shaken not stirred.Perhaps we could do the 2nd half of the Carretera Austral in 2007 might have to bribe Eric though like saying its a brand new Range Rover,and by the way Phill you forgot to mention I was the gin rummy winner after 100 games!!!
Nil Nil
hi jolly
believe me i am watching pensively. you wouldn't believe the pain i am feelin' knowing this is the year and i'm gonna miss out! :(
good luck tonight, we are three hours behind so in one way we dont have to wait as long as you to know the result!
still watching out for your upates in st albans , after our own bit of foreign travel last saturday to wales
and nice to come home with 3 points, thurrock at home tonight fingers crossed for a win that will put us top of the league for 24 hours
Alex The Ad Man
Hello there...amazing pics from antartica....still appears that Phil is under the impression that we all want to see him semi naked....Sue, "hav a word plsease"!! Am off to visit SAS tomorrow fo rhte first time since July...going to be strange!l
Anyway, kepp on rocking along and catch up in 12 months, ha! Possibly OZ....now that I have job!
Thank da lord, thought we´d been forgotten! Can someone please tell Maggie Boto-White that we both experienced simultanious dreams about her last night. Thanks.
We will be updating the site when we arrive back in Santiago at the weekend. We are currently in a remote town called Coyhaique in southern Chile. We have to endure 2 full days driving on a gravel road to reach our ferry to civilisation. We have hired a double cab pick up truck with Sue´s padres and are currently resting up here in log cabins in the forest.
Thanks George and Larksie. An example set to the rest of you! Please keep the messages and emails coming!
What's up guys ?! Still allive ? Just got back from Lillehammer where another run down the Olympic Bobtrack had to be organized ! Norway was a winter wonderland at minus 12 degrees!
We are here.....waiting for another installment, please......no baby yet ;-)
Ur, hello?
"allseven" calling England....Is there anyone out there?
I have read the rah rah messages and do you all know about these two..really? The wife and I had dinner with them every night during their antarctic adventure and wow what a couple...I am proud to call them friends..and I look forward to their "visiting" our home. Yea, we made it home safe and now Im looking for the football sticker.
I am sooo envious...Your Antartic expidition looked superb. Will be seeing Marco and others on Wenesday so will raise a cheery toast to our intrepid explorers...
The Boys
alright guys cheers for the message on our site, glad you having a wicked time. we're doing cool also,in vietnam at the mo loving it. heading to laos in a few days then another attempt at the full moon party before oz around the end of feb. send us your email address then we'llkeep you upto date better, bash on,
the boys
ps - another naked england flag photo will be on the website soon as its been such a long time since etosha!
Blainey, Phills in our room now watching U-571 on the TV getting all revved up again!