Hi 'allseven'ettes!
We thought it time to fill you in with our planned route for the next 18 months.
It will be one heck of a long road back to this island and events will no doubt alter our path on many occasions. The elephants are calling, the llamas bleating (do llama's bleat?) and engines of our jet airplane are rumblin'!
Our aim is to take the road less travelled. At least to make it to all those places you point to on a map and ask yourself 'can you imagine being there?'. Do you ever do that? Just glancing at a map of Patagonia we noticed a train track leading to the southern coast of Argentina to a town called (b*****, can't remember what it was called). Anyway, point being, to look at a map and wonder what that place is like... To stand there on the cold autumn shore and throw a pebble into the South Atlantic and say... 'blimey Sue, did you see that skimmer bounce.'
Hold the tears back guys, we're just warming up!
Here is the current itinerary:
Nov05 - 5 days Cape Town, 2 days Stellenbosch, 17 days Namibia, 5 days Zambia
Dec05 - 10 days Malawi, 14 days Mozambique, Christmas Rio, Brazil, New Year Salvador, Brazil
Jan06 - Brazil (Amazonia, Brasilia and Sao Paulo), Ushuaia, the worlds sothern most city, Argentina, 21st Jan Antarctic Cruise, Marco Polo (8 days).
Feb06 - Patagonia, Chile
Mar06 - Settle in Chile for a number of weeks to learn basic Spanish.
April/May06 - hile/Argentina and on to Uraguay
June06 - Ski season (the idea is to live close to a Chilean ski resort)
Jul06 - Bolivia/Peru
Aug06 - Ecuador/Galapagos
Sep/Oct/Nov06 - Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Belize, Mexico (inc. Baja California)
Nov/Dec/Jan07 - South Pacific, NZ/Australia
Feb07 - Thailand/Hong Kong
Mar07 - China/South Korea
Apr07 - Ferry to Vladivostok, Trans Siberian train to Moscow
May07 - Overland via Eastern Europe to the white cliffs!
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