Phill and Sue's 'allseven' Continents Adventure
We agreed that the re-start of our adventure should be a gentle one. Four nights in Las Vegas followed by a week running around Texas in comfortable hire car would offer few challenges... or so we thought.
So imagine our surprise when we discovered on the second night in a reasonable 3 star hotel on the Vegas strip that we were sharing our room with Michael. Michael is a mouse. Lets refer to him from hereon in as Micky. Phill found the little devil behind the curtains with his back side stuck to a glue mouse trap. Upon further investigation we came to realise that Micky had evaded five other traps strategically located behind the bed and cabinets alike.
We packed our bags and dug in for a 90 minute battle with the hotel manager regarding suitable compensation. Sue to be fair negotiated harder than Phill, who by now was standing on the bed hands on hips in 'where's my washboard' fashion. All Micky could do was stare up and wonder what his fate would be.
The result - we were comp'd for the four nights stay and upgraded to a top floor suite complete with steam room and a hot tub in the bedroom. Lets not get carried away here. Picture a 70's porn set and you will be close. Ceiling mirrors, the works.
Vegas was fun. But, hey we've all been there, so we won't dwell. The Stratosphere gave Phill the colly wobbles and any thoughts of lurching off the top of the 900ft tower on the roller coaster were aborted.
We endured 8 hours stand-by at the airport but finally escaped the 100 degree heat to arrive in Dallas - which was also 100 degrees.
A trip to the Grassy Knoll, the site of JFK's assassination, was only overshadowed by our trip out to South Fork Ranch. Now that was a moment. Phill never missed an episode of Dallas when the hit show was aired in the 80's, so this was truly a pilgrimage. Sue argued the virtues of Dynasty, though her words fell on deaf ears.
We journeyed south passing Austin and San Antonio before running out of land at Corpus Christi. Largely a waste of time. Unless that is you have an oil refinery fetish. Precious little to see, though we did spend an afternoon aboard the retired aircraft carrier USS Lexington. Sue went all Top Gun.
Now in a backwater town unable to upload our photos. Friday 26th May we fly to Guadalajara, Mexico. We are told its 100 degrees there too.
Keep the faith 'allsevenettes.' It's gonna get interesting.
Wonder what happened to Micky?
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