Goals & First Impressions
Goals: Keep an open mind. Be flexible. Learn how to speak and write French fluently. Meet new people. Try new things. Keep an optimistic attitude in all types of situations. Participate in stimulating class discussions. Travel and explore. Strengthen communication skills. Indulge and splurge when deserved. Build healthy relationships. Expand my horizons. Learn to adapt to new surroundings. Maintain good grades. Manage time wisely. Don't be afraid to break out of my comfort zone.
As I sit here and think in my home for the next four months, I am overcome with a recurring feeling of unfamiliarity. A feeling I felt when I entered my forced triple dorm room my first year of college; when I moved off campus; when I have been in a room full of new faces; when I have left the country. I arrived here on the 3rd of September and it is hard to believe that just two days ago, I was sitting at home in Atlanta complaining about the humidity. I left with a rushed feeling of disorder, both mentally and logistically. I scrambled to receive my student visa in time, all of my shopping was done last-minute, I bought my French phrasebook/dictionary on the way to the airport, I didn't give myself enough time to prepare for the culture shock that was on its way, and all in the meanwhile, I was trying to say my "see you laters" to loved ones. It was tough, to be succinct.
But now that I am here in Lyon, alive and well, I am grateful for this opportunity. I plan on taking full advantage of the experiences that are to come - the people I meet, the places I go, the adventures I experience, and especially the food I eat.
My first impressions of Lyon:
- Transportation system is ahead of its time (United States' time, at least).
- Buildings are beautiful.
- Locals are friendly if you attempt to have a French conversation with them.
- There are boulangeries on every corner, and all of them sell the most amazing breads.
- Some products are cheaper here than in the States (e.g. Nutella, bread, Haribo gummies).
- It is hard to catch a taxi at two in the morning.
- I love my new dorm room.
- You can purchase a decent red wine for two euros.
- It is dusty everywhere.
- There is a reason why French people take long lunch breaks - I saw a man opening up his bakery at 4 in the morning.
- Boston : New York :: Lyon : Paris
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