Eye totally closed up yesterday which was fun!! Strange how people talk to you without mentioning anything about it and then when you say what happened they act as if they had just noticed!! Just been up to the Christ Redeemer which was breathtaking. Took a train up there. Am just about getting by with no knowledge of Portugese, worked out that train noises and arm movements just about gets you by. (They probably could speak English all along but were winding me up)Went out for a meal with my new group yesterday. Everyone seems really nice. I am sharing a room with a girl who has just finished her training as a barrister. We also have a doctor, electrician, radiologyst and a pysciology graduate which should hopefully cover any eventuality!! The tour guide is an Ozzy girl who seems really nice and the Irish girl on the trip seems like fun so watch this space although am going to have to keep this blog fairly tame as have just given my dad the url.....hi dad!!
Moved to hotel yesterday which was lovely. Think the first 2 nights in a hostel was a bit of a shock for me. There were triple bunk beds and its quite unnerving having strangers climbing over your bed at all hours. Had 2 chinese girls check in at around 6 in the morning and seemed to spend over an hour rustling carrier bags right next to my bed. Have met some great people so far including a dutch television presenter!! Am off to Paraty in a couple of hours which is an old pirate town.... Hasta Leugo!
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