That was the shock announcement that greeted us from the Captain this morning! A serious incident at the entrance to the canal has caused its closure and it is believed it will be closed for a week. He was awaiting instructions from P&O Head Office as to what action would be taken and would notify us as soon as possible. Around South America again? The North West Passage? Sit it out in Panama? All of us flown home from San Diego and the cruise curtailed??? All this buzzing through our heads as he spoke. You could have heard a pin drop up on deck……. It was only when he got to the end and wished us all a Happy April Fool's Day that we twigged!!!!! Gosh, he did it well… Some humourless idiots are very upset apparently and mean to "have it out with him"!!!!
Lovely sunny if windy day as we sail south off the coast of California. We had a really long lie in and a very lazy morning. Read a bit. I finished my Provencal painting. Quite pleased with it. Had lunch. Went to art and we painted a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge. I found it difficult as it was quite an exercise in technical drawing in some ways but - hey - it IS the Bridge. Tomorrow we are painting Alcatraz.
Today is a momentous Boler Day! 25 years ago this evening our lives were changed forever by the arrival of our little copper-knobbed Lulu!!!!! How I laugh to myself to think of her horror as she reads this revelation. Yes…. She was born a bit of a ginger…. Bob looked at me suspiciously LOL but luckily she looked just like him so there was no doubt. Anyway, what happiness she has brought us over the last 25 years and how proud we are of her, especially now that she is a glamorous blonde oil baron!! I'm sure she's had a brilliant day and it was so good that Daisy was home at the weekend and could share her big shindig. Happy Birthday Dearest Lucy xxxxxxxxx
Had a last bit of a sunbathe after art and a nice cup of Earl Grey. Tomorrow is going to be warm so we must make a good day of it.
I bumped into Mr Wiggy at lunch. Honestly, it has got much worse since we embarked in Southampton. Maybe his under hair needs a cut or maybe he's not dying it while on board but there is now a very marked growth at the back which is a totally different colour from the dead cat he's got sitting on top of his head. There must be 4 inches of light grey at the back with this jet black thing sitting on top (complete with curling flick up edge). It is the most ludicrous sight. I have taken a surreptitious picture of the rear view for your pleasure and it will be in my Shipboard Life album after Cabo San Lucas when I can upload photos again.
Really enjoyable dinner tonight with fun table companions. Black tie tonight and one of the Marco Pierre White menus again. Very good. After dinner we went to the late show in the theatre which was a 4 person male ensemble called the 4-Tunes. They sang songs from the musicals including Jersey Boys, Phantom and Les Mis. Absolutely excellent. I had the pleasure(not) of sitting next to Mr and Mrs Slapped A*** Face. She was off hand to the point of rudeness and then slept through most of the show or at least had her eyes closed throughout. Must be awful for the artistes. Hope they couldn't see her. I sang loudly and bounced around in my seat just to be annoying LOL.
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