Woke up a few times in the night conscious that the ship was moving about quite a bit and giving the odd "groan" as it flexed. So not a surprise to find we were in a fairish swell most of the day. Not windy at all, so probably a residue from the storm last night or just the norm in these parts. Temperature wise, it was about 27C today and patchy sun/cloud/showers. Nice to sit out and read in under cover.
So our first day as Bridge Improvers! Bit scary, more conventions and bidding rules to learn. We may be changing from one hour every day to 2 hours every other day which will give us the chance to play some hands after the set piece "learning" hands.
Lunch, then painting. Today was a scene from Rio: Sugarloaf Mountain from Copacabana Beach. We were both pretty pleased with our efforts today. I think we're beginning to get better with the brush and using the paint. We'll see.
Interesting talks on life as part of the catering team in Buckingham Palace kitchen and also the story of Ronnie and Charmian Biggs from Charmian's viewpoint.
Finally, after two weeks on board, the day had come! A trip to one of the laundrettes. These can, believe you me, be scenes of carnage and fights to the death over who took who's washing out…who is next for a machine etc, who left their washing and went off for the rest of the afternoon etc... And all carried out in the heated, humid confines of a miniscule room. We were most relieved when we found the one on the next deck to ours - it was HUGE by ship standards with about 8 large washing machines, 8 driers and 4 iron set ups. We managed to commandeer two machines and found out that the programme lasted 45 minutes so went off to have a cup of tea on deck. Got back with 5 minutes to spare in order to avoid the aforementioned conflict over others rummaging through our washed drawers LOL.
Very good dinner. Once every couple of weeks we have a Marco Pierre White menu and that was tonight again. Really excellent. The main course was beef wellington which must be quite a challenge to prepare for a large number offering different levels of "doneness". Our randomised table tonight was excellent company and so typical of cruising in the social mix. A widowed woman GP who used to cruise with her husband and now finds it a convenient, familiar way to travel; a couple from Liverpool, he is a retired merchant seaman who have been cruising 30 years; an ex-diplomat once Governor General of Pitcairn Island and his Lady wife on their first ever cruise; Bob and me. Good show afterwards - 3 lady vocalists called Virtuosity - fantastic voices.
Hoping for the return of the sun tomorrow.
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