Ali's World Tour
We stayed in another Ryokan in the Tempozan Area. This is slightly out of town but is home of the world's highest Ferris Wheel at 112m and the Aquarium. Against my better judgement (I'm not a fan of heights) I went on the Ferris Wheel and basically crapped myself! On a more calming note the Aquarium was well worth a visit. Lots to see including a whale shark, manta ray and giant spider crabs!
Next hair raising experience was a trip up the Umeda Sky Building. Not only do you have to go up in a glass elevator the final few metres are in a 'glassed in' escalator.
We also took a day trip to Nara for our first taste of temples. Place is overrun by deer. Great fun watching them scare the life out of small children as they try and feed them!
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