The wanderings of Alice
The world is a special sight from 12,000ft, even more spectacular when you're hurtling towards it at 120mph! Yes, I've done a skydive and what an amazing experience it was! It all happened so fast I hardly had time to think about it. I did it in Franz Joseph and was flown over the mountains and the glaciers before being chucked out of the plane. My tandem guy, Trev, was very nice and reassuring and taught me all I needed to know which I'm sure I forgot as soon as we'd left the ground! The free fall was a sureal experience and the parachute fall very pleasant. So what other crazy things have I been up to since being in New Zealand?! Well today I walked over and through the Franz Joseph glacier. I did the full day tour which meant we got to experience walking through narrow gaps between the ice walls, scaling walls of near vertical ice and trying our hardest not to fall down the huge holes- altogether a fun, yet scary at times experience. We were really lucky with the weather and got some amazing views of the glacier. A few days before we got a jet boat ride which involved pegging it down the river at hairaising speeds and doing loads of spins and sharp corners along the way. That's it so far of the crazy stuff- hopefully they'll be some more to come!
On the east coast we went whale and dolphin watching. Being on the edge of one of the tectonic plates, the sea gets deep very quickly which means sperm whales enjoy hanging around that area. We were lucky ehough to see three- quite a sobering moment. On our way back to shore we were hounded by hundreds of dolphins who chased our boat and did all sorts of tricks out of the water- the whales were pretty magnificent but the dolphins were the cherry on the cake!
The coach I'm travelling on with the kiwi experience has been good fun so far. There's only a small number of us on it but we're all getting on really well and are a good mix of nationalities. New Zealand itself is a seriously beautiful place. Everything is on a much smaller scale than Australia though. Christchurch, one of their bigger cities just felt like a medium sized town. The people are very welcoming but i'm having a few issues with the accent- i didn't think there was much of a difference between the Australia and New Zealand accents but I've picked up on it now!
Moving onto Wanaka tomorrow. We're racing around as we don't have too much time to spare but making sure we see the best on offer on the way!
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