hi Ellie, thanks for posting me a message, i hoped youd been reading some of this, its been absolutely ages since I've seen you. Am arranging a BBQ for when I'm back which will be a weekend and would love you to come, obviously Lucy and Jack will be there too so give us a chance to catch up. Hope work etc is going well. Miss you all lots, take care xxx
Hi Pal,
Sorry I haven't been in touch sooner. Sounds like your having the most amazing time - and the pics certainly tell a story!! Loving the pictures of Oz, it makes me want o tbe back there right now. Little update in England - had heat wave (was crazy hot) - now over cast and colder - usual english summer. So where are you of to next - and can't believe you have been away since March. I must give Jack and Lucy a call and catch up with them. Anyway hope you are well - stay safe. Love Ellie. xxxx
hey guys,
Came over to Koh Phangan yesterday. This place is much more relaxed than Samui but definately still has the atmosphere due to all the travllers coming for the Full Moon Party on the 12th. Everyone arriving today is wandering around with backpacks looking for rooms so I'm glad I planned ahead and got myself a decent palce. very very hot today so going to take it easy. Mark is here so I'm gonna meet up with him at some point. Seems like a good place, I'm very excited. Love and miss you all, keep this meassage board going please. Speak to you later mum and dad xxx
Hello darling,
We got back form Tuscany at 3.00 a.m. this morning, flight was delayed and then baggage took forever to come off, but such are the joys of travelling, as you well know. We had a great time and visited masses of very pretty, some even stunning, places, like Florence, Sienna and Lucca. Fab food everywhere and mostly not too expensive. The Italians certainly know how to cook! Have been keeping track of your travels either via a laptop in the hotel or last week on Dad's blackberry thingy. Sounds like you are still having a good time once you get the people right...Anyway will speak to you soon. Lots of love Mum.
Hmmm seems like this board is being neglected...!! just got off the phone to u dude and u seem really happy and having a good time! im glad you in thaialnd now cause i feel like i can relate to where u are, the shopping is also really good!! and the clubbing!! just thought id say what im up to as didnt bother on the phone cause i wanted to hear what uve been getting up too!!! its a thurs nite and im staying in :-( mainly cause i have zero money but also cause im working at the moment in a call centre...its actually mindnumbing and doing it on a hang over would kill me me im not gona bother going out this week, save myself for next week!! Jack and Jake came over earlier tho and did their best to try to perswade me and failed but no doubt ill hear them roll in a little later... haha, anyway just wanted to say thanks for calling it was great to hear from u, bit annoyed that Jacks prediction of u coming home in 3 weeks is untrue but im sure a few more weeks wont hurt...ive survived this long without u i guess!! anyway forgot to say missing u loads and love ya lots too, take care and stay safe dude love Sarah x x x
hmm so abi is married, it seems as though all the best ones go first!.. thanks for all your hints sarah, I'll definately be using them later in my travels. i arrived in thailand yesterday and spent 7 hours on mini-buses and a night in Krabi before taking a boat to Koh Phi Phi. Its pretty different to what I thought but lots of sun, cheap things to buy and bars and restaurants. Had my first pad thai with shrimp of the trip and it was lush, I'm going to enjoy the food here. Staying in a gorgeous little bungalow, splashed out on air con but I have a much better time when I can cool down to sleep at nights so its worth it. Got about 4 nights here just to chill and party just a little bit. then its on to Koh samui and Koh Pah Ngan which I can't wait for. Wish i could show you guys all this stuff. sarah-I broke my coral bracelet so have just bought another one for 40p and can go back for a necklace for you-give me a shout if anyone wants anything coz I'll probably buy it later when I don't have to carry it so long-my bag is already weighed down with moisture, blurgh!
Hey dude! cant believe ur nearly in thailand, thats so so so cool!! just a tip, the rambutri village hotel is not too expensive and its a lush hotel for ur 1st nite in bangkok, if ur staying there, its nothing like the dumps everywhere else in bangkok its like a proper hotel and quite posh!! plus the ONLY place to be is obviously ko san road, but the best nite entertainment is the irish bar down that road on same side as mcdonalds, opposite luckybeer guest house (which is where i stayed and quite possibly where leonardo de caprio filmed the beach scenes, trust me it was that bad!!). its awesome with live music, u cant fail to have a wicked nite in there, i told will about it and he loved it too!! dude i couldnt help but notice u had a white coral necklace on in ur photos...if you happen to see one on ur travels could you poss pick me up one too, i have a bracelet thesame but they had run out of necklaces, dont worry if you dont get the chance tho! isnt all the jewellry so cheap and lovely?!! i still wear most of mine, well the bits that havent broken! was wondering are u going to visit the tiger temple at all? its 3 hrs west of bangkok, but worth it! anyway if you want any more tips at all let me know and i can email u what i got up to, how long u got in thailand dude? cant believe its thurs again tomoz, i think ur rite time is defo flying!! well let me know how u find bangkok, most people hate it, but i thought it was ok, just a bit smelly here and there!!
love u and miss u dude, big hugs x x x
Hey hey gorgeous....how u doing? Hope you're keeping well and still having the time of your life. I am following your site religously and love reading your updates and seeing all the photos etc. I went to Singapore myself about 5 years ago so it was lovely looking at your photos and taking a trip down memory lane! I must also comment on Oppy and how he is such a HOTTIE!!! :-) Cant wait to see you when you get back....hard to believe you've been gone nearly four months now! Only major bit of goss I have is that Abi Young got married on Sat....first person in our year....really scary to think people are starting to get married! Keep safe babe, think of you often. Love you loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hey guys, was really touched by your comment sarah, I am indeed your best player but don't miss me too much, I'll be home before you know it, time seems to have speeded up since travelling with someone else. Leave the Perhentian Islands of Malaysia to Thailand tommorrow and we cant wait. The weather here is just unbelievable or should that be unbearable-we can't even set foot in our room coz I can't breathe in there but I've never swan in such a beautiful sea and did some amazing snorkelling on a 6 hour trip today (yes Jenny, it was the best snorkelling of my life here aswell and we took all your recommendations about accommodation etc, cheers).Miss you guys hundreds, want to arrange a BBQ at mine when I'm back so if mum and dad approve maybe you could free yourselves up and spread the word. No tan yet, boo.
Hi Dude, hows it going? watched the footie round here with the two bro's and chris, was really good fun and really enjoyed staying in again to watch it. we all went out afterwards, wasnt the best nite evr but was still good fun mostly. was suprised cause it really wasnt busy but id rather that cause it gets so unbearably hot in rsvp. dropped Jack home yest so he could get ready, really getting the driving practice in so heres hoping this time round ill pass!!Jack gave us a grand tour of your garden, its grown a lot since i last saw it and we were all very impressed!:-) Jack and i are still desperately looking fwd to having u back to join us on our nites out, feel like we're down our best player at the mo, but we're hanging in there for your return. Your prob dreading it i bet!!feel like everytime i come on here all i do is moan about how much i miss you, so instead ill just say i hope your still having the most fantastic time and getting up to all sorts, i think u still have the best bits to come!! take care of yourself dude, thinking of you always, lots of love and hugs x x x
Hi Al & Oppy
Weve just recovered from an evening in a italian bar here in Tuscany watching Becks and co put us into the next round.
Lots of Equador fans here in Italy (or any side playing against England.)
It all went a bit quiet after Becks free kick. Apart from yours trully shouting Bella Inghleterra at the top of my voice...well youve got too havent you.
Hope you are having a bit more fun now you are on the coast. We are off to Florence tommorrow as the Uffiizzi Gallery is closed today (Monday)
35 degrees here, probably as hot as Malaysia.
Loved the latest pics...and postcards
Have a great day
hey guys, finally found an internet cafe and its not exactly like those in Oz. They are all in massive shopping centres and I have been given my own private booth, complete with leather arm chair, free fizzy drink and all for 50p for 4 hours internet time. i love this place. In KL now which is a bit grubbier than Singapore but I quite like it. Me and Oppy are getting on well, although he doesn't seem to know anything about anywhere we're going and seems shocked by the difference in culture (which I think is still western)??!! Trying to sample a bit of the cuisine but neither of us have worked up much of an appetite. had a very strange Cantonese meal last night in Chinatown but there's just so much to try here-satay being one of their specialities which suits me. Thanks for all your updates from home, I feel quite far away now but time is rushing by very quickly. Havn't made any progress with my tan as yet, but got 2/3 weeks on the islands planned so I'm sure I'll get a bit of colour (bloody NZ zapping my tan). Got TVs in the rooms now whih makes watching the World cup much easier, and Oppy is hooked to the tele. Lots more travelling to get done in the next few days so I'm gonna be pretty busy. Thanks for reminding me about all those school memories Sarah, made me cringe to think of Rocket wednesday, oh dear, but I'm glad the studio is getting a make over. talking of make-overs, i just bought a whole bag of cosmetics for 4 pounds, how awesome. mising everyone, hope to be in touch soon, love you xxx