Alice's Travels
Today has been the best day on the cook islands so far. Me and Miranda went with the 2 Welsh boys to hire mopeds to see more of the island. Was really excited when we got on the bikes and the guy showed us how to use them- unfortunately I got a bit carried away with revving mine and it shot off infront of me knocking me off and fell on top of me-nothing but a scatched knuckle to show for it though. Soon got the hang of riding it and we drove to the Police station in town to get our driving licenses. Was so nervous when we found out that the test involved doing a small loop around the road with a police motorcycle following you. It went fine though and I passed but he had to remind me that the speed limit was 40kph not the 20 that I was doing. Oops. Did a lap around the whole island then went back for Jenny and found the most perfect looking bech where we stopped for a swim-it was literally beautiful. Went inland and off the beaten track to look at the waterfall and then did another lap of the island which was great fun. I later rode to the bank and on my return parked outside our apartment to unload my shopping and all of a sudden felt like my skin was melting. i turned around to see my leg being burnt by the roasting hot exhaust of Miranda's bike. Never felt pain like that before but everyone was really good and was soaking it in cold water for the rest of the evening-ouch! Just to top the day off, I dropped a frying pan on my foot in the kitchen which smashed into a million pieces and I got the name 'Accident Alice'. They say bad luck comes in threes. Got dressed up in the evening and went for a drink by the beach which was really nice. Quite a mixed day but would definately hire bikes out again (maybe not on busy roads though) coz it was just the best way to see things.
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